Dr. Edwin Thorndike is the leading Research Analyst in
Landover Baptist's International Creation Science
Museum and Laboratory. Working in conjunction with Dr.
Neiman, Dr. Thorndike has tackled many outstanding
scientific issues within the church. His recent essay on
Pre-Post-and Mid-Umbilicism (the three important
positions on the question of Adam's belly-button) has won
him critical acclaim in many circles. Dr Thorndike has
come to 'know the Lord' soley through a delicate process
of intellectual reasoning. He has leap beyond faith into
pure mental deduction. He is convinced of his eternal
security because of mathematical reasoning based on
intellectual fact, and therefore has no need whatsoever for
faith, in the very least. It is because of this unparalleled
'assurance of salvation' that Dr. Thorndike has become
Landover Baptist's Emergency Pastor. Pastor Smith
remarked on the decision jokingly, "Should anyone be left
behind come rapture time, Edwin will be here to minister
to them."
Above: Dr. Edwin
Thorndike, Renound
Creation Scientist
and Animorphist who
came to know the
Lord soley through a
sophisticated process
of intellectual
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