Halloween Hell House Ministry to Feature More Than Just the Usual Dumpster Full of Rotting Human Fetuses
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Alabama: A Preview of the Glories of a Christian America!
Alabama is now and has always been the lone Mecca for Christians - and a testament to all of the righteousness of theocracy.
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Sister Dora Denkins, Come Home! Jesus Loves You, and We Want to Talk With You!
Sister Dora, we know you are reading this and the whole world knows that you are making a complete fool of
yourself! It is only a matter of time before we (and Jesus) find you. We've all seen the
lies you've been spreading about our beloved church family on
your website. Do you know how much heartache you are causing us? Aside from the half-a-dozen usual
monthly lawsuits, we've got the FBI up here searching for your body!
Is this what you wanted? Now do Jesus and yourself a favor by picking up that phone in your Palm Beach condo
and giving Pastor a call on his direct line. This message will remain here until you have done so, and
it's likely your silly message board website on voy.com will get shut down for exceeding bandwidth!