Are Methodists Christians?
Friends, it just breaks my heart to see so many people mislead by Methodist teachings. Now, Methodist preachers don't like to play with little naked boys and girls like Catholic Preachers do, but they have other issues. Since God is no respector of sin, to Him - telling a little white lie is just the same thing as molesting an innocent little child. We don't have to try to understand it, it's simple. If you are unsaved, you get to go to Hell, no matter what you've done. The same goes the same for Methodists. You see, they get caught up in what their theologians call, "Prevenient Grace." You know what I call it? I call it, "Convenient Grace," because that's just what it is. To put it simple for you, Methodists believe that people are basically good and that they have it in themselves to search out God, and have a general idea that they need to be forgiven of their sins. Well, that's not what the Bible says, and we know it. Jesus tells us in Luke 18:19 that "no one is good, save one, that is, God." Anyone who believes that people are basically good, obviously doesn't believe in Jesus, otherwise they would know that people are basically evil. That is, until they get saved. Friends, it's clear as day that Methodists are not saved
and I have an aunt who was a Methodist, and she died a Methodist, and I hope them Methodists taught her some of their "methods" for staying afloat in the lake of fire, because that's where she is right now.