Christian Persecution Comes in Form of Lawsuit
Read the Hollywood court case that threatened 157,000 Landover Baptists with jail time for telling the truth! Adobe PDF
Read the Case!>
Placed By Federal Requirement
You've already seen thousands of these flyers around Freehold. The FBI wasted the time of over
200 Deacons who could have been out soulwinning. Now the officers who think it's more important to locate
two polygamists than it is to save souls from burning in Hell are making it a legal requirement for us to
place the flyer online.
Click Image to Enlarge
Movie Review: Jurassic Park
"Hogwash!" says Brother Hardwick.
Read the Review!>
Pastor has now received the requested disc from the IRS listing all
congregation families' "President Bush Refunds" (hereinafter "PBR"). If you
would like to find out the amount of your PBR or the date that it will be
direct-deposited into the church general fund account, please remit to
pastor's secretary, Mrs. Jergins, $15 to process this information for you.
Please remember that your PBR is considered a gift from God and His
Republican Party -- and will NOT count towards your usual tithe obligations.
This means that even if your PBR is over $100,000, you will NOT be entitled
to move up a precious metal in our tithing program. Gold Level Tithers are
strongly encouraged to more than "match" the PBR with a like contribution --
to show that even President Bush isn't more generous to the Lord than a
Landover Baptist Gold Level Tither."
Please leave seat 21 in row K vacant. Jesus will be sitting in it this
whole month. Thank you.