Fish Decals, Bibles and Hand Grenades: Landover Baptist Love Packages Arrive in Iraq
Special thanks goes to the End Times Baptist Rifle Club for teaching our Junior Highers how to work safely with explosives.
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Paint Your Easter Eggs With Arab Blood!
Soon, America will be restored to its full glory, but we may have to kill a whole mess of foreigners to do it.
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Perverted Little Yellow Cartoon Character Promotes Immorality!
Church members left physically ill after viewing presentation.

Catholics Oppose America!
"For years we've been telling people that Catholics are dangerous!" says Pastor Deacon Fred. "And now
the Pope, the King of the Mary Worshippers, and jackass, is showing his true colors!" The Pope admitted
love for Iraq last week, and like the French, he despises Americans and is opposed to their right to protect themselves against Terrorism. Parishoners are urged to
report Catholics (Evil Doers) to local authorities immediately. "It is our duty as True Christian™ Americans to
get these idol-worshipping, ring-kissing, hippies on a boat back to Italy before May.
We have a permanent injunction against all unsaved persons.
If you are unsaved, you are not allowed within a 10-mile radius of our church, nor are you allowed
on this website. Kindly leave, and be about the Devil's business, for you are not welcome here. Glory!
On January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush signed an executive order establishing the United States Department of Faith (DOF). Headed by
Mr. Bush's and God's favorite church
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