251,000 of 250,000 people found the
following review helpful:
GLORIOUS! , December 8,
2001 Reviewer: Mrs. Betty Bowers from Atlanta, GA,
In a world awash in the secular madness of so-called
"tolerance," our children are constantly brainwashed with the outrageous
notion that people who rudely ignore how we tell them to live their lives
can actually be "happy." Against this heretical backdrop of laissez faire
(French for "a lesbian tryst") morality, it is heartening to see a book not
afraid to trumpet the good, solid Christian values of wrath and punishment
that our forefathers, the Puritans, had wished for this once-godly country.
I don't know a single True Christian father who wouldn't rather have his son
turn out to a rapist, a murderer or marry a colored girl than choose to be a
limp-wristed Nancy Boy. This book will be a blessing to all Christian
families who see the early signs of prissiness. It will give them the
courage to beat the stuffing out of a light-in-the-sneakers toddler before
it is too late and they are forced to throw their son out of the house with
Christian love. Remember, the Lord told us: When you have a prodigal son,
kill the fatted calf - when you have a homosexual son, kill the son! Praise
the Lord!
200 of 217 Iowans found the
following review helpful:
Some Mighty Fine Readin', December 03, 2001 Reviewer: Mrs. Thelma Broderick from Freehold, Iowa.
"I only wish this book had be
written 15 years sooner. Maybe Dan would have stayed
home and read it to his own kids instead of out
F**king that whore Linda. But, this book has gotten me
through many a rough night. I teach a Motherhood Class
for soon to be released inmates and I always, aways,
make sure that they know this story by heart!"
7,305 of 8,904 Evangelicals found the
following review helpful:
Starts up where the Bible leaves off!, December 11, 2001 Reviewer: Susan Smith ex-mother of Two.
"When i readed this book thye first time I know right
then that Michael and Alexander Tyler would have loved
it. If they wasn't dead of course. They were all the
time peeing the bed. But I still read it to them up in
heaven and I know they can hear me. Hey, Michael! Hey
Alexander Tyler, Momma loves you! One day when I get out of here I am going to have
another baby and I want the first book i read to it be
"Chrissy The Bedweeting Sissy".
950 of 1,005 Baptists found the
following review helpful:
Wish I'd Known About This Book Sooner!, December 7, 2001 Reviewer: J. Nicolosi Freehold, Iowa.
"If I'd had this book when my ex-son was a child,
perhaps I could have beaten the evil homosexual demons
out of him at age four, and I wouldn't have had to
throw him out of the house at sixteen. Well, at least
now there's hope for my grandchildren... and I'm
keeping a VERY close eye on them. I strongly recommend
every Christian who has any children nearby, whether
their own or in their neighborhood."
7,100 of 7,408 prison inmates found the
following review helpful:
I love the pictures!, December 8, 2001 Reviewer: Andrea Yates Tulsa County Jail.
"I think this is the best book in the world! Second
only to the Bible. I'll be sure and rekomind it to
all my friends, fanily and cellmates as the perfect
Holiday gift"
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