Don't Let Those Feather Headed
Pilgrim Killers Ruin Your Christian Thanksgiving! Protecting
Your Church From Injun Attack
Iowa - As Thanksgiving time draws near, much like our
Puritan ancestors, the hearts and minds of Landover Baptist
Church members are once again filled with worries about what
the irascible, drunk rabble of local bottom-baring Injuns
will think up to spoil this year’s festivities. Committees
are formed, construction is approved, and precautions are
already underway in fortifying the multi-million dollar
Landover Baptist Church campus and all of its outlying gated
Christian communities in Freehold, Iowa, from the inevitable
onslaught of jealous rage that creeps in like a cancerous
infection in early November and usually culminates in the
uneventful death of several dozen drunk red-skinned savages
on Thanksgiving Day. Dogs
have been stationed at all entrances that have been
specially trained to sniff out feathers and gin made from
ingredients found at any drug store.
“It is bad enough that we have to live until Glory in a
state named after one of those infernal tribes of people
more likely to grease the backside of a buffalo for their
demonic pleasure than hold down a simple job,” lamented
Pastor Deacon Fred. “Do
you know what Iowa means?
It’s Injun for ‘one who puts to sleep.’ And if
any of you have ever had to try and have a conversation with
one of those feather headed savages, you’ll know why.”
For over 200 years now, local Injuns have tried to
forcefully invite themselves to Landover's Godly
Thanksgiving festivities. And for over 200 years, the Lord
Almighty has protected His faithful from these nefarious
would-be intruders by flicking them from church grounds with
his 20-foot invisible fingers, like little red boogers.
"These are the same so-called, 'people,' who killed our
Godly ancestors and used their scalps as sanitary napkins
for their squaws," says Pastor Deacon Fred. "And
they still refuse to apologize!" Over the years,
Landover missionaries have been sent to remote areas as far
as almost ten miles away from church, in hopes of leading
godless red-skinned savages to Christ and recovering stolen
lawn ornaments.
"We're not dealing with Casino owning Injuns who
have the decency to cut their hair, wipe their red bottoms,
don a collared shirt and tie and attend church on Sunday
mornings," says Pastor Deacon Fred. "We've got a
real problem up here in Freehold, Iowa. Not only do our
local savages still
worship false gods and have hair longer than Crystal Gayle, not one of
these useless pelt-wearing boozehounds owns even a basement
casino. So it
is real hard to justify going to all the time and expense of
bringing them to Jesus when they can’t tithe one red cent
when they get there!”
Landover Baptist Church is keenly aware of the fact that
some churches in America have a more welcoming attitude to
Injuns. “Frankly, I find the naivety of folks who’ve never met an
Indian outside of a baseball diamond sort of sweet,” said
Pastor Harry Hardwick.
“But it is up to those of us who have had to deal
with the indigenous boozers and losers of America to help
other churches learn how to become unwelcoming before they
find their wives kidnapped in some satanic ‘choochie for
hoochie’ scam under the filthy canvas tent of some
reservation carnival.”
"There are lots of other churches who are
unfortunately located in remote areas where our liberal
government has given away free land to folks who killed the
first Christians who came to this country," says Pastor
Deacon Fred. "We'd like to relate our vast experience
in protecting our church from these savages during this
delicate time of the year to other True Traditional
Christians™ who suffer the same attacks."
As such, the Landover Baptist Board of Deacons makes
available some of our handy tips for protecting your church
from Injuns who come out like demons for revenge and try to
ruin God's glorious Thanksgiving holyday.
Can I, as a True Christian™ Help Protect True
Americans™ from Godless Injuns this Thanksgiving?
for the salvation of these savage people. That they
might one day recognize Jesus Christ as their Lord and
Savior and find solace in drinking His precious blood
each Sunday morning instead of searching for the false
peace that lay at the bottom of the plastic bottles of
isopropyl alcohol they consume each night of their god
forsaken lives.
God is not quick to answer your prayers, and the
situation is imminent - oftentimes the old fashioned
way is best. Our Godly Christian ancestors who founded
this great Christian Nation were not afraid to offer
up salvation at the end of a musket jammed full of
gunpowder. We suggest dressing up as one of your
Pilgrim ancestors and purchasing a real musket. Gather
up some brethren to do the same, and make your way on
foot into the heart of the nearest Injun reservation
or carnival. Act quickly when you see the first red
skins and tell them to gather fresh corn for you or
prepare to meet the "Great Spirit in the
Sky." Chances are they will do your bidding
immediately. March them back to the church picnic area
and after seizing the corn, give them over to the
custody of Church Security. We've had great success in
leading what we now call, "volunteer corn
bearers," into the fold of Christ after only a
few hours in a small iron cage with nothing more than
a Bible, and a hot iron poker. We have several dozen
of these converts who have had their hair trimmed,
learned to wipe their red behinds, and have had their
skin hue lightened to a less offensive color. They are
now gainfully employed as dishwashers in several
popular Baptist restaurants around Freehold.
3. History
shows that we can control Injuns better once we have
made them Christian.
Therefore, take time to find out if there is a
local Christian congregation that is careless enough
not to mind sharing their pews and daughters with
these half-humans.
4. The
first defense in Injun Awareness is being able to spot
them. A
lot of Injuns take advantage of the fact that they
look different from normal folks to pass for
Pakistanis, Hawaiians and even Chinese.
The most reliable way to pick out a practicing
Injun is to look carefully at their lips.
Because redskins spend hours each evening
hopping on one foot around a campfire while slapping
their fingers onto their lips while making
“woo-woo” sounds, their lips are always badly
bruised. (Note:
this test is not always 100% reliable and Landover
Baptist, once again, apologized to Miss Meg Ryan for
the unfortunate and embarrassing incident that
occurred last weekend.)
5. After
200 years of experience with these critters, we have
found that the most successful tactic for ensuring
that your church is left in peace during its holiday
celebration is to litter the periphery of your
property with dice, playing cards and 72-ounce jugs of
Smirnoff vodka. No Injun can walk past any of these Satanic calling cards
without engaging in an increasingly debauched and
spirited game of craps or “go fish” that will last
well into the following weekend. With any luck, half of your problem will be killed over
drunken quarrels that will arise out of the inevitable
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