![]() Will I See My Grandpa Naked After the Rapture? Dear Pastor,
is really gonna happen, Pastor?
When my family gets to Heaven, I don’t wanna see my
grandpa nekkid! He’s gonna want to give me a great big
hug, and I don’t think I’m gonna like it! Sincerely, Kimmy Williams (Age 11)
Kimmy, First
let me say it is an absolute joy to hear testimony from a
precious young lady like yourself. It makes me proud that
someone at your age is already reading the Left Behind
Series. If you were a student at Landover Baptist University, you
wouldn’t get to that series of books until the second year
of your post-graduate studies in American English
Literature. That you’ve already have read them, and have a firm
understanding of the iron-clad, unavoidable future that
awaits all Christ-fearing folks, is a testament to the
success of our home schooling
amazes me is that you’ve studied the Left Behind series and
referenced your supplemental Chick tracts so carefully that
you’ve noticed the one tiny oversight in these gripping
pre-history volumes. Yes, for while our dear brothers
in Christ Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins did a wonderful
job channeling God’s gloriously dramatic premeditated
plans for mass genocide into those books, they chose to omit
one important detail of the glorious Rapture.
Specifically, that when Jesus sucks you out of your clothes
into Heaven, the force of His holy vacuum will be so great
that it will shear every hair from your body, every breast
and nipple from your chest, and praise God, every
tallywhacker and hoochie that dangles or rests between the
sacred legs of every Bible believing Christian on the face
of the earth. Yes! The Lord will see to it that our
clothes, and our vile sex organs are the only things that
get left behind. Shout Glory! You are probably asking yourself, “Why will Jesus be removing our reproductive organs and teats before we get to Heaven?” Well, my dear lady, the answer is quite simple. In Heaven, there'll simply be no need for genitals. My guess is that the Lord is pretty disgusted after having to watch His creatures hump away on each other for the last 4,000 years. I know I’d be! Think of it this way, Jesus and His Daddy have been sitting up there in Heaven watching the longest pornographic film ever made, and frankly, they are no longer amused. So after the Rapture, they will be looking for new ways to get their kicks. Post-Rapture, Jesus and His Daddy will be preoccupied with savagely slaughtering an ungrateful 90% of the world who didn’t give Him 10% of their paychecks, for having a lifetime of fun at the Lord’s expense. I get a big old belly laugh when I think about the horrors that await unsaved people. Why after they get over the initial shock of discovering that the millions of person-free girdles and jockey shorts lying around town aren't actually empty after all, but are in fact filled with the soggy, smelly, disembodied giblets of their former owners! I tell you, it is gonna be a real hoot to watch the expressions on their faces from our front row seats in Heaven! Oh Lordy! I am laughing out loud right now as I am writing this! And so to answer your question – yes, you and your Grandpappy will be as naked as a pair of sphynx kittens, skipping down Main Street as soon as you get through the pearly gates! But don’t fret, dear Kimmy, for it will not be the nakedness you will have come to know during your short life. Indeed, because your grandfather’s wrinkled skin noodle will be hiding in his pleated Dickies on the floor of the Hemlock Farms rec room, waiting to surprise the first unsuspecting, unsaved person who happens upon them. And your hairless, stinky little hoo-hoo will still be clinging - like a thick strip of raw bacon - to the humid, satiny insides of the little pink panties left dangling off the seat of your Schwinn 3-speed. That’s right – for while Heaven may be a nudist colony, all the residents look like giant walking, talking depantsed Ken and Barbie dolls – blessedly free of hairy holes and hamhocks from the waist down! So, when you are reunited with your grandfather in Heaven, he'll ask you to sit upon his lap once again. And if you feel that familiar poke on your thigh, grandpappy will no longer by lying when he says, "That's only a roll of lifesavers down there, my dear! And it means I'm happy to see you!" I
hope that clears up any concerns you may have, little Kimmy.
See you after the Rapture! Yours
in Christ, -
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