From Query #003 (Landover Historical Photo
Above: Rev. Sir Edward Gaines
& Family (1912) Right to Left- Deacon Filmore Gaines III, Mrs Edward
Lola Gaines II, Rev.Carol Gaines Jr., Rev. Sir Edward (Shifty) Gaines,
Rosebud Gaines.
About: Charter members of the Landover Baptist Church, the Gaines
family tradition still continues till this day. Mrs. Taffy Davenport Gaines
Crockett currently resides at the 210 year old "Gaines Estate," The Hallmark
of our church's gated Christian community, "Leviticus Acres." The last
surviving male member of the Gaines family, Carol Gaines IV, is currently
estranged from the body of Christ
More Landover
Baptist Historical Society Queries below |
Warm Welcome to all Church members! What you are about to see here is the
culmination of 27 years of intensive research. Until today, most of the
restored photographs in our church library were seen only by Gold Tithers.
I gone to a great effort to make some important pieces of our church history
available to you online. With a $7.2 million grant from the Landover Baptist
Historical Society, we expect to unveil a number of rare items over the
next few years.
In spite of my serious allergies
to mould and paper-born mites, I humbly serve The Lord and this Congregation
by sifting though boxes and boxes of old photographs, books, greeting cards
and all kinds of important things in order to fulfill the mission of the
Landover Historical Society and share with the world the rich heritage
of True Christian Witnessing that is ours. I think of this
project as putting together our Church Family Scrapbook.
With our history going back to
1786, there's no telling what I'll exhume around here.
I am proud to have assumed the
mantle of this important position from the all-too-recently departed Georgia
Sue Gaines. She was a beacon to us all.
In the interest of accuracy, I
will ask The Ladies of Landover and other First Class Church Members to
help with their recollections of any details that would be of interest
to our congregation.
Jean Hazlett
Senior Executive Curator
Landover Historical Society
Landover Historical Society
Photo Queries
Landover Temperance League:
Prohibition in all things.
The Landover Baptist
Sin Posse
Claude A. Gunder's "Saved
By The Blood From A Drunkard's Hell!"
Mrs. Prudy O'Christian
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