Shoo! Demons!
Rev Bill Porter (Dir. C.E.)
Pastor Geoffrey Weaver 
Youth Pastor Marty 
Lt. Jim Hancock
Lt. Cal Robinson Sr. 
Officer Jim Clark
Security Officer Hastings
Captain J. Groomes
Lt. Meadows
Ida Clark
Carrol MacMillan
Warden Jack Pinton
Security Officer G. Edin
Security Officer Al Barns
Lt. Capshaw 'Guns' Donner
Officer Ben Hastings
Officer Gener Lauter
Officer William Durant
Penny Wilcox
Packy "The Barber" Brown
Ed Hunter
Officer Cannon Context
Thema Brace Harcourt
Petty Officer Dillard Jones
Pastor Marty is sort of a 'fill in' for Youth Pastor Geoffrey Weaver. He filled in for nearly nine months in 1991 when Geoffrey was sent away to a rehabilitation clinic for drinking a sip of wine at a local Red Lobster Restaurant. Geoffrey was also thought to have been 'too close' in prayer with some of the young High School girls under his care. 

Marty is now the assistant youth director under the completely rehabilitated Geoffrey Weaver, thus affording him the less lucrative title of 'Junior High Youth Director,' and 'substitute Senior High Director.' 

Marty's numerous 'unspoken' prayer requests have recently brought him under suspicion. When asked by Landover Pastors if he has anything to pray about, Marty always replies, "I have a very personal and private prayer request, it's embarrassing to me.. I'd like it to be an 'unspoken' request." 

Moral Security officers at Landover Baptist have placed hidden cameras in Marty's home, under his mandatory consent. No questionable activity has yet occurred, except for a few sanitary issues which were quickly overlooked when Marty explained that he had a long history of complex personal hygiene rituals.

Marty is a timid and shy man. Were it not for his deep voice and the fact that his parents are long time friends of Pastor Smith, Marty would be in a lot of serious, serious trouble.

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