There is No Difference Between
Deuteronomy-Mandated Stoning and Pistol Whipping in Wyoming!
Sermon by Brother Harry Harwick
seek answers from the Godly of Landover (not the illiterate, inarticulate
pagan demon hackers who now seem to visit here regularly).
Matthew Shepard was an acknowledged homosexual. Two men, appalled
by his lifestyle, pistol whipped him into unconsciousness and left him
to die, strapped to a fence in the freezing Wyoming temperatures.
Though we, at Landover, know most so-called Christians are hypocrites,
majority of Americans claim to be Christian. And of the remaining
heathens, the majority are Jews, claiming to believe in at least the Old
Testament. The nation, collectively, was shocked and deeply saddened by
the brutal killing of the self proclaimed homosexual. They believe
the torturers and killers should receive the harshest of punishments.
Yet how is what these two young men did to Shepard any different than what
God mandated we do to sinners in the Old Testament?
Deuteronomy mandates stoning for a wide variety of sins, ranging from
a woman
have premarital sex, to a child disobeying his parents, to a person
eating ostrich. For each of these sins, and countless others, the
sinner is to be placed in the public square, surrounded by townspeople
who are to throw large rocks at the sinner's head and limbs and "stone
him until he is dead." Isn't that every bit as brutal as what happened
to Shepard? How in the world can today's so-called Christians reconcile
their empathy and sadness for Shepard with God's word?
Now, I know what some will say -- "Jesus repudiated that principle."
That is, of course, utter nonsense, but let's assume, for the sake of argument,
that it were true. Regardless of what Jesus said, for thousands of
years, sinners were stoned, at God's command. Are we to believe that
such violence is heart-wrenching and sickening and warrants the death penalty
today, but was just and appropriate for all people then? Furthermore,
Jesus NEVER repudiated this principle. Jesus simply said, "Let ye
who is free from sin cast the first stone." Jesus simply said that
the people around Him (and perhaps people everywhere) weren't worthy of
being executioner because they were sinners as well. Presumably,
then, if there were someone free from sin, that person would still be under
an obligation to stone those who are not.
Am I missing something here, or is the sympathy for Matthew Shepard
by people
claiming to be Christians or Jews the ultimate in hypocrisy?
True Christians believe that every word of the Bible was dictated by God,
Himself. They consequently must believe that God, the Father, ordered
that people who ate the wrong food or messed around before marriage should
be punished in a way even more brutal than Shepard was killed. To
believe that what happened to Shepard is wrong is to believe that what
is prescribed in Deuteronomy is wrong. You either believe the Bible
or you don't.

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