A Right to be Homo: One Giant Leap Down
the Slippery Slope to Armageddon!
Sermon By Brother Harry Hardwick
But with just one fairy and eight normal people, we thought we could count on the highest court in the land to put conservative ideology above highfaluting so-called rights and other Constitutional concerns. After all, in Bush v. Gore, the Court appointed Bush, Jr. as President based on the Court’s conclusion that allowing Florida to run its own affairs would violate the rights of Florida voters, even though, Constitutionally, Bush, Jr., a Texas resident, had no standing to assert the rights of Florida voters. But the Court cared so deeply for our Republican cause and the Bush campaign that it didn’t allow some two-bit technicality, probably drummed up just to keep more coloreds roaming the streets and peeing on our sidewalks, to allow that double-edged Constitution or the rules of procedure to spoil everything. The completely result-oriented decision gave us confidence the Court would consistently put principle aside when politics were at stake. Our jubilation over the High Court’s amorous embrace of our conservative desire to beat repulsive liberals into a metaphoric pile of bleeding, twisted offal, regrettably, was short-lived. Indeed, it is fair to say the honeymoon lasted about as long as one of those Drew Barrymore marriages. Now, the High-on-Crack Court tells us that even political extremists are vulnerable to homo harassment. In Lawrence
v. Texas, two of the
five normally old school ideologues jumped ship and joined the Court’s
moderates to create a 6-3 decision striking down a Texas law that said various
sex acts are perfectly acceptable when committed by normal people but criminal
when committed by queers.[1]
Justice Anthony Kennedy, author of the Satanic majority opinion,
offices near Souter and undoubtedly succumbed to the deviant’s pernicious
influence. Sandra Day O’Connor
has always been a rabble-rouser, intent on asserting her independence and
isolation from her colleagues. With this decision, she solidifies herself as the Diana Ross
of this set of Supremes. Writing for the Court, Justice Kennedy stated that homosexuals should have the same right to engage in intimate sexual conduct in their private homes as regular people do. So long as the intimacy involves consenting adults, the government should not interfere with it. Kennedy pretends the Court reached this conclusion based on the principles of liberty and personal dignity embodied in the Bill of Rights. But our chief ally (even though he is a Hell-bound idol-worshiper), Justice Antonin Scalia, saw through the façade. As he emphasized in his dissent, the majority of the Court simply caved in to the “homosexual agenda” that pervades our society and the legal profession. Scalia wrote that the Court’s decision would inevitably result in greater protection for homosexuals in the future and may one day even lead to judicial recognition of same sex unions. One would be hard-pressed to contemplate a more disastrous result. History supports Scalia’s reasoning. Each time the Court has found a privacy right in personal behavior, the end result has been a society tolerant of that conduct. It has therefore always been left to industrious Christians to torment and mock those who try to exercise this new-fangled right, as has been the case with Roe v. Wade. In the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut decision, the Court struck down a state law prohibiting married couples from purchasing contraceptive devices on the ground the law violated married folks’ privacy rights. As a result of the decision, over time, more and more couples began using birth control (much to the annoyance of the homo-to-beat-all-homos in Vatican City). The result is that whereas in the ‘60’s, husbands and wives copulated rarely, knowing that any such incident could result in yet another mouth to feed, today, married couples have sex at will, sometimes two, three or even four times a year. Couples feel perfectly comfortable engaging in sexual intimacy on a regular basis, sometimes even in the middle of the week. Sex is now for recreation, not just procreation. In Loving v. Virginia, the Court struck down a state law prohibiting interracial marriage on the ground it violated the privacy rights of couples. As a result of that decision, mixed marriages, and sometimes even mixed dating, gained acceptance in those hedonistic “anything goes” areas of the country that voted for Al Gore. Today, coloreds intermingle with normal people like there is no difference among us, moving into our neighborhoods, taking jobs next to us in the workplace and sending their kids to the same schools our kids attend. Thanks to the Supreme Court, most people who aren’t in law enforcement don’t even care about or emphasize the differences between Negroids and Caucasians any more. We have become as color blind as a Cameron Diaz designer. Now, don’t get me wrong. Landover isn’t any more prejudiced than Justice Scalia. Just as Scalia wrote: “Let me be clear that I have nothing against homosexuals,” so, too, our church has nothing against coloreds, so long as they recognize their place and stop petitioning our High Court for rights that clearly belong solely to the majority. As Scalia laments, with Lawrence v. Texas, hatred of homos will dissipate. And the Court will undoubtedly compel even greater respect for fairies’ so-called “liberty” in the future. What’s next? Will society forbid employers from throwing workers out into the streets based solely on whom they love at the end of the day? Will homos be allowed to serve alongside real men in the Armed Forces in defense of Mr. Bush’s reelection? And, God forbid, will the government one day recognize long-term same sex unions and provide those couples with some of the benefits the rest of us get? What Loving did to segregation, Lawrence will undoubtedly do to hatred of homos. We may one day live in a society that concerns itself with neither color differences nor sexuality distinctions, ignoring people’s private lives altogether in our evaluation of them. Yes, the End Times are surely upon us! [1] Dissatisfied with even this status quo, Landover Baptist submitted a 460-page amicus curie brief with graphic illustrations, urging the Court to require Texas to give lethal injections to heterosexual harlots who took anything other than a breath mint up the rear end, but that brief was, shockingly, not cited in the final opinion of the Court. Another example of Christian persecution, my friends. Copyright 2003, Americhrist Ltd. All rights reserved. Terms of Service The Landover Baptist website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under 18 |