American Injuns: Thanksgiving: Honoring Our First Fallen
Nevertheless, our Christian ancestors persevered. And it is for this reason that each November we observe “Thanksgiving” - as a time to “thank” God for “giving” America to people who deserved it much more than the first terrorists: the Injuns. Injuns and Arabs: Comparing the Roots of Terror One doesn't have to look too hard to see how similar the indigenous
terrorists our American ancestors righteously exterminated are to the foul
Arabiac terrorists our Christian nation is eliminating today. Both are dark
complected – one red-butted, one negro-lite - and both are cursed with jet black
hair. Both terrorists are nomadic in nature, and prefer fighting in
sweltering, arid places – clear evidence of their alliance with demons, who
are accustomed to the heat of hellfire. Both are tent dwellers (one prefers a
tee-pee made of deer skin and human scalps, the other a lean-too made of
shaved human groin hair and goat feces. Both terrorists are uneducated,
uncivilized, and speak in elaborate gibberish languages. Both resent the
progress God's chosen people (True Christians™) have made in the world, and
direct their jealous hatred toward the one True Religion™, Christianity.
Both types of terrorists dress in rags and conceal their filthy hair beneath
elaborate terrorist doo-rags: Injuns make theirs with feathers, while Muslims
spin toilet paper cocoons called “turbans”). Both rejoice in the slaughter
of American citizens. An End to the First War on Terror Whether it was with bottoms full of buckshot or bottles drained of booze, the debate still rages as to how our ancestors defeated these first Injun terrorists. We can only thank God that they were defeated, and America is a better country because of it. It should harden our resolve in our faith that our Godly President Bush can and WILL defeat the terrorists of today! Landover Baptist members are reminded during this time of Thanksgiving that while the cease-fire with Injuns is still technically in effect, that is no reason to EVER forego the offerings of our Godly Bingo parlors in favor of any sickening, sinful Injun casino. Our pastors encourage you to use this Christian holiday time to be thankful for the blood-soaked efforts our forefathers made on your behalf in fighting America's first terrorists so that you can pass a lovely Thanksgiving afternoon with your family, enjoying the pleasures of Butterball turkeys and televised professional football. For more information on Landover Baptist's ongoing struggle with local
Injuns in
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