Note: If you haven't done anything to get Jesus mad at you, the links will open in a new window. If they don't, consider yourself in danger of burning in HELL! Glory, glory, glory! Thanksgiving is on the way in our True Christian nation! And don't we have so much to be thankful for! Our True Christian Warriors are busy spreading the Love of Jesus all over this Christian nation!Let's think about what we have to be thankful for shall we? Lord,
I am thankful that You
put George
W. Bush in office, even when He didn't get the majority of the
vote. Truly the world is a much better place. I am thankful that our Godly Republican party is bringing the
good old days
back to America. I am thankful that True Christians are finally becoming active
in serving their communities. I am thankful for fair
and balanced political commentators like Rush
Limbaugh. I am thankful that George W. Bush has found a way to bring peace
(and conversion through fine, delicious pork products!) to Israel. I am thankful that God and George W. Bush have liberated
those ungrateful heathens in Iraq. I am thankful, Lord, that you gave us Ronald
Reagan. I am thankful, Lord, that you gave us new fool-proof voting
machines to keep libruls
from stealing elections. I am thankful that the Republican
message is getting out loud and clear. I thank the LORD for making sure Americans get a good
education and aren't stupid
like the libruls. Thank you, Daddy God, for giving us God-fearing True
Christian men in our churches. I am thankful for Christian
discipline! I am thankful that lying Bill Clinton is gone and George W. Bush is honest. I am thankful that God will send libruls
to Hell. (Why can't they just shut up and quit asking so many
questions?) Burn, libruls! I am thankful that God will send witches
Hell. I am thankful that God will send homosexurals
to Hell, Lord, I can't wait to stand next to you on a cloud and watch
them burn
for their sinful choice. In Christian Love,
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