(I plead the Blood of Jesus to make all these links open in a new window!) Dear True Christian® Friends: Let's all Praise GOD for our Godly President and his team of True Christian helpers (except for that crazy liberal negro Colin Powell), and especially his rumored 2004 Vice-Presidental candidate, Condollllleeeezzza (she is a negro, which would guarantee all the negroes would vote Republican). (If she does run, we'll need round-the-clock prayers to make sure Bush stays in good health; even though us Godly Republicans recognize the need to be "politically correct" towards the negroes everywhere but around the dinner table, we cannot ever have a negro running this Godly nation! That would make Jesus VERY mad!) We will continue God's dream of bringing this nation back to True Christian Values! The crazed Mary-worshipping Cathylicks are still molesting children and having to pay out their tax-free donations to their victims. Us True Christians need to minister to them and make them stop their blasphemous, idol-worshipping ways. They need to learn how to be True Christians like me and Pat Robertson! I'm sure that you, like me and all True Christians, are really mad about the liberals who want to deny us freedom of religion. It's time to stamp them out! Thank goodness True Christians like Ann Coulter are standing up and speaking the TRUTH about the evil liberals! God will punish them, and so must we! Anti-Christian persecution is still rampant in this country. Why won't the liberals just shut up and accept Jesus? Things would be so much simpler if they did, and we could return to the good old True Christian values that made this country great. Every American used to be a True Christian, and if they weren't they had sense enough to keep their mouths shut! Remember, your most important job as an American, next to fighting the evil liberals, is to pray for our President! Using our demon-free computers, we will stomp the liberals like so much horse dookey and help our Godly Republicans put JESUS back in charge. Glory! ACTION ALERTS! HELP CHILDREN LEARN THE BIBLE! STOP THE LIBERALS AND THEIR SLANDEROUS WAR ON MY PICKLES! In Christian Love, ![]()
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