Lucas Watch Inside the Depraved Mind of George Lucas
Lucas Watch is a non-profit organization formed by concerned members of the Landover Baptist Church community, The Family Conservative Council of Republican United States Senators and Praying Hands Across America. "Lucas Watch believes wholeheartedly that film director, George Lucas is crazed with a hell-bent desire to come up with new ways to corrupt America's youth and turn people away from the one true religion, Christianity," says Pastor Deacon Fred. "His films are filled with dangerous hidden messages about humanism, and they contain sexually suggestive material that is not suitable for Christian viewing. Well, Mr. Lucas - we are here, and we are watching you! And we know what you are up to. You may be able to pull the wool over the ignorant eyes of the unsaved masses, but you are NOT fooling learned Christians! Shame on you, Mr. Lucas! We are praying against you every day, and hope that you will reconsider releasing any more of your disgusting Star Wars films here in America, a Christian Nation. We demand that you make public, the contract that you signed with Satan, and that you hold yourself accountable for your depraved imagination. We demand that you immediately come to Iowa to stand trial at our church for crimes of blasphemy and corruption of the innocent, or move to France. That is all we are asking. In Jesus' name, Amen. Lucas Watch Statement of Faith: The Bible is very clear, there is only ONE way to get to heaven and that is through the son, Jesus Christ. Not through some kind of silly, "Force" that accepts all people irregardless. The True God of the Bible is VERY picky when it comes to choosing who will spend eternity with him, and if you are not a born-again, Bible believing Christian, you are flat out of luck. You can watch as many Star Wars movies as you want to, but you will never find any answers. The answers you are looking for are in the Holy Bible alone! How Can I Get Involved in Lucas Watch? 1. Write to your congressman, speak with your pastor, and speak with your children! 2. Remove and destroy any and all items, merchandise, food-stuff, and products from your home, place of business, school, or work - that you believe are tainted by Mr. Lucas' long reaching hands. 3. Be sure to send a check to Landover Baptist Church made out to Pastor Deacon Fred. We will then send you a laminated Lucas Watch membership card. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope or you will not receive the laminated card. Please make your check out for one-thousand dollars or more only! Understand that this is an enormous effort and it takes great resources to carry it out. With your money, and the Lord's help we can do it! 4. As soon as George Lucas' next film is released (God willing it won't be) use the opportunity to hand out Gospel tracts and preach the Gospel outside of theaters with long lines. Chaining yourself to a theater door is also a wonderful way to demonstrate your faith and take a stand for righteousness!
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