Boys Glorify Satan In Song!
Landover Baptist has edited this wire-service article to make it comport with
traditional family values. Since the source material contained quotations from
amoral homosexuals and entertainers, the language was, of course, not fit for
decent Christian eyes. As the
staff at Landover always attempts to act in a Christ-like manner – and there
is nothing Christ-like in talking like an Off-Colored person, we have removed
offensive thoughts and words for your reading convenience and salvation.
Backstreet Boy, Brian Littrell, remembers selling "tricks" and
pimping himself off to 60 year-old men in the
area a few years back. "If you were to tell me that I would be rich and
famous and have thousands of girls swooning over me a few years ago, I would
have told you that you were insane." He went on to tell one interviewer,
"I thought that I would spend the next four years of my life [unchristian
expression] [unchristian word] to keep my spoon full until I rotted away in
some rat-infested
alley." Littrell remembers that every day, "some old geezer would
unzip his pants, and pull out his big wrinkled, throbbing [unchristian word]
and I would have to [unchristian word] his hot pulsating [unchristian word]
until he shot a quart of hot, salty [unchristian word] all over my chin"
All of the Backstreet Boys have similar stories. Boy AJ McLean told
interviewers that he earned an estimated $2,000 a day by performing lewd sex
acts with chickens and pit bulls in front of a perverted, prominent
businessman. "We got the business contacts we needed to get our group off
the ground by [unchristian wording] with some pretty big guys in the
entertainment industry,"
noted. "You only live once, yo, and you've got to do whatever it takes to
get to the top. I remember we made Howie drop acid and [unchristian word]-off
in some dude's coffee, just to prove he could 'hang.' That [unchristian word]
was tight!"
When asked if they'd been changed by the fame and fortune afforded them by
their recent success, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter replied: "Most of us had
our first sexual experiences with older men. That [unchristian word] just
don't go away, yo? The girls are nice and all, but when you've spent most of
your teenage years unzipping the pants of 70 year-old men, you sort of get
used to the lifestyle." Mr. Carter went on to mention that the name
"Backstreet Boys" came from Atlanta's biggest gay disco
"Backstreet," where the group first went to trick with old
"chicken-hawks." In keeping with their perverted roots, the band now
employs a tight knit group of what they call 'boy toys' they bring along to
every concert. "Now we on the flipside," band member Howie Dorough
remarked. "We get our energy from doin' what was done to us, and our
little jimmies get paid a whole lot more cash than we ever did when we was
The Backstreet Boys also talked about their hobbies when they are not
turning tricks in homosexual nightspots. Apparently most of them are into
pugilism, as they spoke at length about the fellow band members they had
Whatever the case, the Backstreet Boys are perhaps one of the most
dangerous bands in
. Owning a Backstreet Boy album is
like saying, "Here I am, Satan, I love you with all my heart and can't
wait to go to Hell where I shall listen to the Backstreet Boys for all
eternity while the flames lap away at my [unchristian word]."
Songs like "We've Got It Going On" and "Backstreet's
Back" are proof that the Backstreet Boys never intend to abandon their
immoral lifestyle. They glorify pedophilia, bestiality, [unchristian word],
homosexuality, and perversions that go beyond all human understanding. As
Baptists, we want to make it
perfectly clear. We will not stand by and watch the moral decay of this Godly
Country. The Backstreet Boys make a sport out of blaspheming the Holy name of
God with comments like "piss on a burning bush" and "we're just
a vocal harmony group that likes to have a little innocent fun at the expense
of other people's eternal salvation."
The Backstreet Boys join a bevy of fellow hustlers in a demonic attempt to
desensitize teenagers on a global scale. As a sign of protest, Landover
Baptist will be offering to burn all Backstreet Boys albums. Baptists and
other people who think they are Christians may send their Backstreet Boys
albums along with $100.00 to cover the cost of the event to:
Backstreet Burning Event
Soulwinner's Lane
Freehold, Iowa 00666
For more information on the demonic origins of the
Backstreet Boys, please visit: http://www.av1611.org - "The
Dirty Little Secret About Rock's Teen Idols!"

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Landover Baptist website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under 18.