Surfin the 'Net With JESUS!
Praise the LORD! Jesus has let us live another year without coming back to Earth and destroying this godless planet! GLORY! He has given us yet another chance to redeem ourselves and, by golly, we True Christians® did it by overwhelmingly electing the Godly George W. Bush as our president. And praise the LORD, Bush is starting things off right! By appointing the godly John Ashcroft as Attorney General, he will bring this country to its knees for Jesus! America is truly a Christian nation! Don't be fooled by the evil liberals and homosexurals telling you otherwise! First, Mr. Bush will stop the dangerous influence of the evil liberals and homosexurals.Then this country will be safe for True Christians to bring it back to righteousness! True Christians are all about love, while liberals are all about hate! But we True Christians know what lies in store for those evil liberals! Jesus will burn them forever in Hell! Amen? AMEN! Bush will bring this nation back to the way things used to be, back before the liberals ruined everything. GLORY! And the homosexurals will be stopped! They continue to attack Dr. Laura (well, she IS an unsaved Jew, so she will be in Hell with them, but we like anyone who hates liberals and homosexurals, as God commanded), and they persecute Christians! We demand a return to Christian Family Values, and right now!
Bush comes from a long line of Godly men who love everyone and are truly True Christians. Praise the LORD for sending him to us. He will stop the homos from their evil agenda once and for all. Truly Bush is a brilliant man who will lead this country to greatness. (Here is an MPEG file showing him at his best -- it takes awhile to download, but every American needs to see it.) Now that True Christians
are back in power, we will fix the mess the liberals
created. We will destroy the tax
and spend liberals! Yours In Christ Jesus,
Got a tip on a good True Christian® site for Jesus and Judy? Let us know!
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