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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form!
Ironically you atheist douchebags have invested more time into your cause than the average person practicing a religion would. I almost feel sorry for you.
Emperor Empanada
all i can say is im glad im PAGAN ASS HOLES
Is the stupidest thing I have ever set my eyes on, You are a sorry excuse for a church along with your "religion". I came upon this site on accident when your sick pastor said this boys sister was going to hell for being retarded. You are sick, and all the people that your "pastor" has turned to this church are just as sick and deluded as he is
William Kravick
Remember child, Jesus loves you, which is the reason He’s taking time out of His very busy schedule creating tornadoes and earthquakes and giving folks cancer to watch you squat down and do nature's business! If you doubt, me - just take our Bible Poop Quiz to see how obsessed the Lord is with excrement.
Sorry but I was really offended by the quote above! I believe I have sucessfully defeated cancer. And plenty of Christians get cancer. I strongly suggest removing this horrible post. And why are misleading people? I personally believe you are the devil!!! Misleading people to the deep cores of hell. God said to love everyone but yet you hate homosexuals. You are not a true Christian at all.....
Sent from my iPod
Ryan Amesbury
and you call yourselves people of God. God would never portray life this way. God is about Love and service to others. We are all one in God and he is in us. There is no separateness with God. When you are truly with God there is never hate, anger, judgment and the negative things you are portraying your self to be.
"We can only thank God that they were defeated, and America is a better country because of it"
Are you for freaking real??? You are a sad, sad person. You came to America and terrorized us, killed us, raped us and so many more unspeakable things. We lived here first, we didnt come here to find new land, we were already here.
How can you say what your saying? It is congregations like you that hurt our world and prove that religion is a control tactic filled with lies to keep us separated. So sad and unbelievable.
May God forgive you for your hate. I am so sad for you. I wish you nothing but the best in life, filled with Love, Peace and Happiness.
Paula Kadinger
Let anatomically correct dolls,and whatever be seen by whoever because genitalia is in nature of all kinds that God made. let that Grinch toy be seen by all even as nature is seen by all, do you hear me? God sees the heart you know, and God sees everything else as well,and likes what he created. So like what God created as well in all of its nudity.Whoever is screaming like that old lady needs to wake up and Know without the loving God of the universe who she says she worships made genitalia,and sheaths on dogs, and testicles, so please stop this war against what God made,OK?
Anyone that gives an accusation giving guilt,and condemnation to anyone wanting to judge another before Gods time of Judging is not of God,and not teaching humans to consider their own actions being right with God, and man, and we should be loving to whoever,and forgiving their debts even as we should forgive our debtors, and seek peace on earth even as it is in heaven making God happy too. Satan,and full of lies. That means the once instigating the hatred against the gays will speak only lies regarding anything that comes out of their mouth. Proverbs 12 22,Lying? lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that? deal truly are his delight. sex of whatever kind is not an abominable thing Proverbs 14 A faithful witness lieth not, And a false witness breatheth out lies. Lieth is to lie not sex of any kind ether. Satan is the only one who uses scripture with the intent to cau8se harm ,and or kill anyone even as he did trying to get Jesus to jump from a high plaice,and whoever uses scripture with the intent to do the same is also working for the killer of souls Satan. All run away from that mischievous dud,he is bad news!. leave the sexualities alone.
Jonathan Hughes
You guys do an amazing job. At brainwashing your children, and living unrealistic lives. There is no God, there is no heaven, and you guys are fucking idiots for thinking it.
I have piercings, tattoos, I smoke, I drink, I fuck, and I enjoy life! Fuck you motherfuckers and enjoy raping your children of their freedom.
Lessah Shewan
Shame on you all! I pray that you never make any mistakes or become broke and homeless and don't have enough money to run to the store to buy the "right clothing". I will trust in the Grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ to get me to heaven. If anyone comes to my church with the "wrong attire on I will love them and pray for them. And if they tell me they have been saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, I will take their word for it because I am not their judge. God is. And one day you and your congregation will stand in the presence of an all mighty God and be Judged the way you judge others. I will earnestly pray for you are your members. That The love of God will cover you and fill your heatst with love for ALL sinners And saints. God bless you all.....
Ray Sandnets
youre a fucking hypocrite and a fucking twisted son of a bitch. If these are the morals your teaching your kids I hope God fucking smites you off the earth.
Mike Jacobs
I understand that your site is a parody and that you are not hating of anyone.
I saw a few of your videos on youtube and they seem very real. As you know, there
are many "crazies" out there that really don't need all the encouragement you are
providing for them to do harm to other people.
My suggestion is maybe make it clearer in the notes on the videos or on your website
that it is a parody and NOT real?
Just a thought. I have several gay and non-christian friends. Believe me, they have
enough hate to deal with on a daily basis already.
I would hate to see anyone actually take action to physically harm them due to taking your
site or videos seriously.
Draya Ferreira
I was wondering why do you hate Wiccans so much? I was reading about the girl who threw a gutted animal into a church but I don't think you should judge a religion based on the actions of a few individuals in that religion. I have researched the Religion Wicca so I know what I'm talking about so i was wondering what's so wrong about a Earth based religion?
Isabella (Izzy G)
So you think santa claus i Satan?? Try to search on wikipedia or google for “Saint Nicholas” whose myth has changed name while it travelled over the worlds countries, ending with “Santa Claus” .. Originally in greek his name was “Nicolaos”..
Besides what we see in your article is the work of the LEAST educated journalist in the world... It comes with A LOT of “claims”, but not one single “proof” that his claims are correct
Besides.. what can be satanic about a story about a nice man who gives presents to children, who have been nice?? Just because the people who work as dressed you santas often are olcoholic bums.. It does not mean that the original santa character i a drunk bum.. thats makes no sense.. then your own argument says: if i bum dressed himself as Jusus.. then Jesus would be a drunk bum...
Merry Christmas
Andre Christensen

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