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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form!
I could not believe the response I read from the pastor of your church to a
eight year old child about her dog being ripped to shreds and eaten in hell. What type of person would tell a child that? No where in the bible does it say that or what does exactly happens to dogs/animals at death. You need to read and research a little futher before you respond so harshly to a child.
In Ecclesiaties, Solomon speaks about the animals and humans being equal in Gods eyes. He speaks of heaven being more than we can ever imagine. Heaven is never described in detail. No one knows what it will be like or if your favorite companion will be there to greet you. You really stretched it by telling that child their dog was going to be ripped to shreds and eaten at any minute. You probably scared that child for life. I hope her mother didn't let her read it. Shame on you.
Lisa Baker
You are probably the biggest flaw on the face of the earth. You twist Jesus' words, you twist all of the Bible, and you sir, are going to hell if you don't stop.
You are a terrible man,
saying retards won't go to heaven? Jesus loved the little children, if you will remember, and retards will forever have the mind of a little child. Good try though. Tampons are of the devil? Are you stupid? Tampons are a cleaner way for women to have their "time of the month." George Bush looks like Jesus? Are you retarded? Jesus was born in BETHLEHEM which is in the middle east, making him look middle eastern. And Jesus didn't get saved... HE WAS THE SAVIOR. Therefore, He ALSO didn't get a hair cut when he got saved.
Your a blasphemer and will be punished.
Jerry Stanton
Whoever gets this email i hope that the very fear of god falls on your soul. Jesus loves and died for you! Im really glad i came upon this site though! Not only are you responsible for yourself but the people who you influence one day you will stand in front of the lord and hold account for your actions. God does not send anyone to hell you have a free will an example if you have a choice to get in a car wear your seat belt or not the outcome can be very different. you can wear it and walk away or suffer injuries but survive or not wearing it can cause you to be killed but its your choice! Imhoices so who assuming the person who came up with this TRASH on here is probably a former christian who is backslide and has to blame someone for the wrong choices theyve made who other than god is the best person to blame! YOUR A COWARD! You think because he is not goin appear to defend himself that you dont have to worry about it! Even though your obviously very mentally and emotionally disturbed person god still loves you but i would carefully consider the future choices you make! Your affecting young children with this site! lets make another example lets take a young person who has some mental issues looks at your site decides he hates christians and decides he wants to do something about it gets ahold gun goes to the nearest house abd starts shooting oh but by ACCIDENT it would be your family!!!!! I wonder how GREAT your site would be then.So im done but i really hope you change your ways and realize how much god does love you STILL and wants to heal you your MIND HEART AND SOUL!
Amber Boyd
The next time you decide to slander a decent kids cartoon that actually tries to teach children about tolerance and acceptance, I would challenge you to open your mind and perceive someone elses view before chastise everyone else views. We are not all like you and most of us don't want to be, so quit pushing your views and beliefs on everyone. This is from a completely heterosexual male who is angry at the fact that you chose push your convaluted views of the world on everyone else. The next time you decide to slander something "read" the book that you believe in and realize your god is the most prejudice and violent being on this planet. Thank you for being the christians that I fight against, and will always chastise for the bubble their closed minds they live in. Christ is a euphamism for what real truth is!
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless
You are the reason why people don't believe in God or Jesus. You are going to HELL. I've never seen anything so pathetic as you website and all the lame crap you have going on.
Thomas Beal
Your pastor is a very hateful man, he is leading many souls to hell ! 3 quarters of Christians in the world do not believe what he or your church believes, they are not wrong. I use to be a Baptist and through reading the Bible and looking back at what the early church fathers believed and did, who put the bible together, is not even close to what the Baptist believe or do. Do not take my word for it, read all of the bible and look back to what those holy men believed and did; it is all there, all you have to do is look and see for yourselves. If you do, I will promise that you will not be a Baptist anymore and you will see what this Pastor is really all about, money!!! Think about this, why do you think there was no Baptist in the beginning and why God did not let a Baptist write the Bible? Also, before printing presses , Catholic Monks reproduced the Bible by hand, over and over, there were no Baptist chosen to do what these Monks did, WHY? I will tell you, because he wanted the truth to be written and not a lie , that is what your Pastor and Church would have done! Repent and ask God to deliver you from this Christian Cult that you all are part of!
Marilyn Gray
just read the article about red bull. you guys are nuts. it is merely a caffinated energy drink. teenagers are already horny. They always have been, always will be, no matter how my you pray. Don't you remember being a teenager? Its not sin, it is called being natural. Your lies and exaggeration is ridiculous. Your church is the reason this world is full of hate and problems. Tell the facts you meat-headed shit sacks.
The atheist
Evan Tuohy
I am a concerned christian and a supporter of your church. However literally hours before sending this message i encountered an article detailing how all irish people are drunken louts and should be exterminated. On YOUR own site. I live in Ireland. My religion has been entirely discarded and abused. What is worse the article in question has defiled the ten commandments, the article encourages killing and hatred of thy neighbour. For the love of god simply remove it. I would see our religion spread worldwide but the person who wrote this article is simply pretending to be religious in order to further his/her own goals. I beg of you to close down this hate filled page. All i had to do in order to find this disgrace to my religion was google search “10 reasons why god hates ireland”. And i am disgusted as according to the article every baptist living here is just a dirty drunken lout.
Alan Brenan
I stumbled across your webpage while trying to kill time…took me a moment to decide if I was actually reading something intended as “serious”, or for humorous value. Hopefully, my assumption that the contents are intended towards the latter is not in error.
Let me first say that if your overriding goal is to expose Christianity as a cult of ignorant bigots, then why not challenge yourself to debate with an actual Christian? One who has attended a respected university, qualified in a profession and travelled/ lived enough in the world to have an opinion…someone like…me, for instance.
Christianity sets limits…no denying that; true Christianity bases its principles on teachings that date back to the oldest recorded civilizations in history, and is the natural evolution of orthodox Judaism-closely related to both this “parent” faith and more divergent “sibling”, Islam. All three proclaim the existence of a singular deity who created mankind and passed “rules” for living down through prophets such as Moses. Christianity diverges from this “Old Testament”, or contract with the arrival of Jesus Christ, a very human man who was born in the “usual” way, but conceived by God, i.e., the Son of God. As a human with a perfect soul, He had the singular capability to sacrifice His life in place of all others in exchange for the forgiveness of sin. Christians generally accept that a combination of belief (no small task I’ll tell you), and intent to follow the meaning of the law grants one this universal forgiveness going into the afterlife.
A belief held to be “sane” for about the last millennia in various forms…
Obviously, you think an evolved, practical society should as a whole consider all of the above cult mythology…no, dangerous cult mythology; you’ve gone to great time and expense in the effort at any rate. I for one would like to honor that effort (presuming of course you have the inclination) by extending a challenge to debate the subject more fully.
Many thanks,
Joshua G

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