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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form!
I can not believe the way you are posting yourselves as christians,whites took the land away from the native tribes and gave them all the whiskey and drugs,my family is cherokee,and Japanese,I am a chef by trade,and I am pshing for help in stopping bigots like
yourselves,I will never celbrate a bloody holiday,such as
thanksgiving,and I pray that all you wake up in this crazy town before it becomes another dust bowl, because of lack of tourism,and smart people moving out,
Thank you Ageha
Take this seriously, don't ignore it. Respect the commandments. Live a good life! Jesus is the only way to salvation! Be kind to others and do not say anything mean to anyone.
God Bless! :) Love is the key, don't ignore it. Please!
Turn from your evil ways!
Please stop this horrible website!
Jacob Smickle
Not sure who wrote this piece of garbage, but you wack job Christians (I am a normal Christian by the way) who demonize the iconic figure of unconditional giving is beyond laughable. Have you ever heard of a parable? Did you know that Jesus told parables? I am asking you these simple questions because it seems that you type of people only choose the things you want to believe and leave the rest of the truth behind. Kind of like Martin Luther did when he picked apart the bible. Anyway, if you didn't know all ready, God is all powerful. So powerful that he has used the celebration of his sons birthday to build a very powerful season of giving, Christian or not. He uses modern day parables like Santa Clause and the Grinch that stoled Christmas to exemplify the spirit of the season. His spirit! But no, wack job Christians like yourself and your mind numb followers attempt to destroy what God has spent so much time building. It is your camp living in the darkness of Satan and the sad part is you are completely blind to it.
Sent from my Samsung Intercept™
Dana Campbell
Dear Landover Baptist Church,
It is SICK that you would abuse human bodies to scare people into attending your church. Disrespecting the bodies of people who have already suffered the pain and horror of a natural disaster makes you worse than the people you claim are bound for hell. Also, it is one thing to have your own horrid and demonic views but to inflict them on others is truly atrocious. Gays are kind caring people who deserve a life free of abuse from calloused people like you. Churches should be places were people can come together and enjoy life together. Churches should be a place of safety and worship. Members should come willingly, not out of fear. It is sad that people today are still so abusive to the lives of people who are not like themselves. I hope that you will make better decision when creating your hell house next year.
Zoe Fritz
This Injun thinks you are a piece of Shit
. And If I was there you would never get out of the Church. I would have so many lawyers probing your every orifices that you would swear God himself was plaguing you . Then you could go to your favorite proctorial Doctor for an ointment and rub it where it hurts most. True Christian my ass , if not for my people your people would have starved to death . Lets see we are the sinners .... well if we are the sinners why is it that it is priests that are touching little boys ? We are the drunks looks to me like you dont have your facts strait , we are not the ones laying in the gutters those are white men. We own Casinos yes Because of everything "Christians" took we should have more . Puritan HA I call you a piece of garbage you judged me now I judge you . You should be impaled on that Devils fork you are so proudly holding .......... Or is that who you are actually supporting? As for your people founding this country more like you stole it . Well you piece of un Godly anal seepage maybe you should know the facts before pushing it off on others . Oh and just one last point Christ visited our people long before you came , we where still there for you to rob so seems to me like you dont have a leg to stand on . If we where so evil He would have smite us down long ago . But who did he go after ...... your Tabernacles
Charles Wish
I read your site on spanking children. Although I agree that spanking is important in teaching a child right from wrong I have to disagree with your article. I was raised in a Christian home and received my share of bare bottom spankings. However, my parents were loving and never degraded me as you suggest. I know my parents spanked me because they loved me and wanted me to grow up to be a good person. Even when a child misbehaves and a spanking is warranted I believe it should be done in a loving environment. I do not resent my parents and have all the respect in the world for them. They disciplined out of Love.
John Dobson
you ignorant piece of Garbage ! you actually have the audacity to call yourself pastor ? you're a man of Satan and you preach all the things Satan admires. between you and Jim Jones and that other moron K.A. Paul and his puppet the other Jones boy that thinks he's Jesse James and carries a gun in place of the Bible and resorts to threats much like yourself. Don't even think of telling people you're a man of God you lieying sack of dog crap.Come Judgement day you can rest assure your sorry ass is going to hell with the rest of the devil worshippers.Your kind of swine is equal to Adolph Hitler . You can say there isn't a God but you better pray there isn't a hell because it's awfully warm where you end up if there is a hell and trust me there is a hell and your name is carved in a huge pile of puke right along side Satans name in that pit of fire where you will burn for eternity. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and you will beg for a single drop of water, you will want to die but death will never be granted ,you will suffer the burning flames of hell.
You all are a bunch of racist white trash. My wife is one quarter Choctaw Indian. She knows and loves the Lord. We are Episcopal, and we are much older, and more dignified than your church. If Deacon Fred exists forward him this email. Happy Thanksgiving, and may God have mercy on your wicked souls.
Burk C. Murchison, Jr.
Out & About
"Driving Your Needs"
Sent from my iPhone
I take a high offense to a good number of the shirts and bumper-stickers you carry in your store, being a Wiccan myself I take offense to being called a satanist, and that you feel it is open season to hunt witches.
the attitudes you are taking toward your fellow man should be of love REGARDLESS of religious preference. Also just because someone is in college does not make them out for all "sin" and the all-evil sinner either. It is people like you and your church that give Christian groups a bad name. You are no better than the Muslim zealots that are going around killing because people are not a part of their religion.
Carl Glammeyer
Hi I am a saved Chiristian and a believer. You guys need to repent and turn to Jesus.
I know you guys mean well, but your message is totally against the word of GOD. Unsaved people should be able to attend church in order to hear the preached word of God in order to get saved. I believe you guys should develop a closer relationship with God and ask him if what you guys are doing is right. Feel free to email me back at: --------- to let me know what you guys feel about what I am saying. I love God and I know you guys love him too. God bless you.
Rick Kelso
I bet you don’t realize that you are the laughing stock of the world (probably with the exception of muslim fundamentalists who hate you but are exactly the same). Unlike you
(in your quiz) I will refrain from using offensive language.
Why don’t you concern yourself with reality for a change? The real world is infinitely more interesting than your supernatural fantasies.
Beat Weber
RE: Homosexual Handshake....... you are a fucking moron!!I guess they must have learned it from the catholic priests who have been fucking little boys in the ass since the dawn of time. Bend over little boy so I can make you see god by shoving my prick up your ass!! I bet even you slip a boy your cock once in a while just for the fun of it. If you aren't the biggest bunch of fucking morons in America I sure don't want to meet those more fucking stupid than you. And as everyone knows, the men that protest the most are secretly ass fucking boys or men themselves. EVERYONE knows that. You and your kind are too stupid and ignorant to be allowed life. Happy ass fucking boys!!!! Gay rule!! It really is a gay old life after all. Sorry.
Whylie Cyote
To whom it may concern at the Landover Baptist Church'
I find your comments and pure hatred and racism against our Native people to be totally against God's teachings. What kind of so called church are you running here that preaches lies and false history? Did you know that with out the local new England tribes, the first pilgrims would have starved and died had not our people given them seed and showed them how to plant here, brought them supplies to help them survive until their crops came in and do you know that those same pilgrims about 2 years later massacred nearly the entire Massaquoit tribe. Here is a history lesson you need to tske to heart. You are not holier than thou, you are not teaching God's words but that of evil prejudice, hate and racism. You would not be here today if it were not for our Indigenous people who you brought fatal diseases to, slaughter so you caould have their land. You are a bunch of ungrateful liars who think you are all better than anyone of darker skin than yours! Read the truth about your precious ancestors!
What Really Happened in Plymouth in 1621?
References in
The Hidden History of Massachusetts: A Guide for Black Folks ©© DR. TINGBA APIDTA

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