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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form
You people are fucking crazy!
Just because a man is European, it does not mean he is gay. Also there are plenty a straight guys who wear, make-up, flip-flops, and played with dolls when they were little. I put in this email a picture of whom I believe are the hottest MEN ever. This MEN are straight not gay, and I'm female. The hottest of these MEN hasto be Bill Kaulitz, who is the one wearing makeup. And his twin Tom Kaulitz, the one with the gangster clothes, is not trying to be black. And as for George, (long brown hair) and Gustav (awesome glasses) way cooler then any of you fags will ever be. I bet you that they are better Christians then you, and they probably don't even believe in Jesus
And then the shit with the dogs.
God did not create dogs to have a natural aversion to colored people. He created them to protect and love their owners no matter what the color of his/her skin. I'm hispanic and my little chihuahua (whose about two feet long; don't ask why) ad my little terrier (whose about four inches less) never bark at me. No, they come near me and let me pet them and gush about how cute they are.
I hope you people reach enlightament. I don't know what god you're praying to, but I'd rather pray to a loving mother GODESS, then to some lunatic from the clouds.
Fuck you,
You lie bald-faced on your website. Starting from the top.
Jesus never said "Unsaved are not welcome"! Quite the contrary. So that is a LIE!
Apparently you don't understand Christianity and have never read the bible. It forbids lying.
This, again, makes you the laughing stock of all people with common sense.
Sleep tight.
You are all fucking idiots.
You don't like seeing your wive's unclothed? Whats the point in having them?
You really are fucking stupid little sissy pricks girlying around trying to get everyone following your rules.
Go die, you Jesus loving idiots.
Really? Are you that stupid as to puke over your wife? Let alone by them a shack?
You should love and appreciate your wife!
Go grow up, and when you have.
Then reply.
Tom McCloud
Thank you Jesus for your stand on this --- another attack on our youth. Ophra had a show on these movies, and went on and on about how romantic they are, interviewing the cast, made me sick to my stomach......
These vampire movies are satanic, and I have learned the message that is given out which I did not understand until you disclosed this. I can't understand the popularity of this trash and thank you Jesus for your enlightenment and disclosure.
Mary Pickering
To whom it may concern:
I was reading an articles posted on your web site about epilepsy and demonic possession. Me suffering from epilepsy think that you all are full of shit. Epilepsy is a real disorder that is caused not by demons but by neurons in the brain that are misfiring. I have done research on the topic very extensively and no medical book says anything about demonic possession. Plus their is no way that medical professionals are covering up the term demonic possession with Epilepsy. Instead of worrying about peoples neurological disorders. Why not focus you attention that the only religion that is able to deal with real demonic possession would be Catholics, and they don't have to lay hands on you or fall to the floor shaking like you have a Epilepsy occurrences.. I feel that you religious freaks have too much time on your hands when they should be together and pray for what is going on in the real world today.. For some reason I feel like to best way to describe you outlook on Epilepsy compared with being a NAZIS. No wonder why people are turning away from religion and going to scientology. You all should hang you heads in guilt for the for discrimination against you fellow man.\
Thanks for your time
Jake Gann
A friend of mine send me a link to your site, the exact article name being
How to Spot Atheists and Report Them to the FBI. Though being only eighteen, I feel the need to point out a number of falsities.
1. Atheism isn't a disease. It's a set of beliefs that there isn't a God. Myself being an Agnostic Atheist, meaning I believe there is no God, because there isn't proof. The Bible, isn't proof. The logic there is behind it is as such: The Bible is real. Why? Because God says so. Why is God real? Because the bible says so. And so on, and so forth.
2. There are a multitude more Atheists than '300 active Atheists'. The numbers range in the tens, to hundreds of thousands. And that's simply counting those who identify as an Atheist. There are a multitude more people that say they are 'non-religious'.
3. Also, I, and many other Atheists, take great offense to being called Catholics, humanists, and Unitarians. Please, get your facts right before posting them on a public site, even if it is your own.
4. Finally, being Atheist isn't illegal in any way, shape, and/or form. Having a lack of religion is covered by the First Amendment of the Constitution. The same one that allows you to spout the religious banter that you do. The same one that allows your site to stay up. The same one that doesn't allow you to be thrown in jail or executed for believing in a God.
Finally, one last note. I know you will probably take this out of context, but I feel like I need to say it. God doesn't grant morals. I'm a good person, because it's right. I donate to charity because it's right. I vote, not on the person's Religion, but instead on their policies. I love America, for all of her freedoms that are granted here.
Joshua Snyder
To Mr./Mrs./Ms.:
I have a few things to say in response to your sites entire existance. I believe
you guys have singled out a group of people that have tattoos, facial/body peircings, and that are morbidly obesed and you are calling them Wiccans; not everyone that have all three of those things about them are Wiccan.
"You'll know when you stumble upon gooey pile of stinky Wicca dung! There is not enough turpentine in this county to wash their godless poop from the soles of our expensive shoes! It's time we take a stand against these animals, and rid our community of their abhorrent presence once and for all!"
I dont care who you are thats treating people who have different beliefs than others like you are better than yourselves. It shocks me that grown people talk like this and can still call themselves "christian". Then you guys have Activities that are related to Wiccanism which half arent even ture like skateboarding.
I know plenty of christians that are skaters and that wear baggy pants and loose sneakers; then saying that people with too many cats (is two too many) are witches. I particularly dont care for your site; i think that your site is disgusting, vile, judgemental, hateful, bullying, snobbish.
Whom this May Concern
Heather Jones
I have one word for all of you for adding to the hate in this world - "KUNTS" with K, all of you, because you don't even deserve the C.
GOD HATES NOBODY, quit turning everyone against religion you fucking bitter losers!!! And in response to your fucked up messages toward the teen suicide and gays (especially you Debbie) Fuck you, fuck you, and FUCK YOU! You need medical attention you brainwashed, mental freaks!
I just read your article about Rugrats (http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0201/rugrats.html). It would seem to me that it would take a very disturbed individual to see that many sexual innuendos in a children's cartoon. When a child says "My dog let's me eat his food" if you immediately think about the child giving the dog oral sex, what does that say about your mind? I am a sexual deviant myself and I still don't understand how a child with missing teeth is something sexual.
Whoever wrote this article really needs help. I fear for his children and the children of anybody that trusts him.
joey hauschildt
my wife and I have been looking to adopt a child for about 2 years now. the process is very long and expensive. i found my way to your website, and
i was wondering if you sell kids for adoption? my wife and i are christians from upstate NY, we have been going to the same church for 4 years now. my wife is unable to bear children. i was wondering if you could offer any help?
brian ackert

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