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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form
if I lived in Iowa and I wasn't allowed to go to your church, I would have never been saved. Thank the Lord I live in california and my church allows sinners in to hear the good news of salvation...I got saved in a church and thank God they didn't keep us sinners out. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....do you think God will ask you how many sinners you brought to the cross to meet Him? I know he wll and you might be found lacking...The Holy Spirit would help you if you trusted the Lord to do His job. By the same measure we judge, we will be judged...if you judge people by the scripture you will be judged by the same scripture..
you seriously allow certain men to view and possess pornography...thats fornication...idolators and fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God.
I really thought your web site was a joke, boasting in how big you are and how woderful you think you are and how much stuff you have...idolators...it sounds like you hve a huge problem with idolatry otherwise why would you have so any rules against so many things...Just do what Jesus says and it will be o.k Love Him and love others, the law of the prophets hang on those two.I pray God bless you
-Stephanie laing
Just wanted you to know that you are ignorant and do not speak either Hebrew, Latin, or Greek and therefore
should not interprit the bible.
Dumb. Rita Harris
You are a FUCKING MORON. Your religion and your racism are of HELL.
I would love to kick the livin' hell outta you.and cut your fucking tongue out. You and all your
Teabagger protestantism BULLSHIT promotes hate, and is ruinous to our country, and of HELL! You will ROAST like a stuck PIG in HELL! I would turn UP the heat of the raging fires of HELL just for your white racist ass. Now, go Fuck yourself assshole!
Why is it you people constantly make yourself out to be a real church when on your own website it states that you are a parody, a fake, a satire site. (The Landover Baptist™ Parody Website) Copy & Paste right there. You people preach and teach that you’re the only ones going to heaven, you’re the saved ones, the chosen ones, Well, All I have to tell you is that you are all in for a rude awakening come judgement when God, My most loving savior looks at all of you and says “Depart from me I know ye not”
I’ll be laughing from those box seats in heaven. Take care LOOSERS
Kelli Milton
You watch the power of karma one of ur close people will die soon WATCH
Sent from my HTC Android device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Yep, you guys are the ones going to hell...lol good luck with that.
My dad is a Presbyterian Pastor and you motherfuckers are the most ass pathetic exampele of Christians Ive ever seen!! Go fuck yourselves, you hateful faggot ass dick sucking scum!
John Davis
Dear Landover,
I have been reading your article
What to do with a Sissy Boy Who Says "NO" To Sports! and I find this article very abusive. If a child doesn't want to play sports (especially After School), don't force him. Let him do whatever he wants. In fact, don't deprive him of his toys such as action figures which you think it makes him Gay. As for Infants and Toddlers, sitting on the potty doesn't make em' Gay, they're too young to stand on their feet and the toilet is too big for them. Get them a little plastic potty for potty training and once they grow they don't need it. That also goes for Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, where you said that toys are of Satan.
Anyway in your article, You have given 4 badly, abusive and ungodly tips to parents when they're child says "No" to sports.
In your first tip: "The Most effective way of getting a Nancy boy back in the game is to gently break one of his bones in his sissified body he used to play sports..."
Most Effective? This is child abuse. If you tell a parent to gently break a child's neck just because he refuses to play sports, the child would die, the parent would be convicted of murder, be put to death, and you will be responsible for that ungodly, abusive tip you gave to that parent.
About the second bad tip, smacking a boy who refuses to play sports is child abuse as well.
And that third tip, what does military school have to do with a child being gay and refuses to play sports? That quote you try to get the parent to say if the child refuses to play sports "If you can't turn this sissified boy into a real man, Sargent, I don't want him back." That is child endangerment, and mostly child abandonment. Military schools have no interest of taking a child in for refusing to play sports, unless a child fails school, do drugs or possibly not returning home before curfew.
And the final ungodly tip, Making a boy wearing a sandwich sign saying "I'm a Sissy Boy Who is Afraid of Sports" is against Child Labor Law and it's also child slavery.
Jesus says "Suffer the Little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not..."
We are to be like little children and not to be Pedophobes.
Brother in Christ
Do you really believe that about yoga and yogurt too? Do you actually teach innocent children this nonsense? Do you actually believe the bible to be the genuine article of history? It seems the more science proves otherwise the more twisted religious zealots get. Yoga is not a religion or a tool for self sexual gradification, it's exercise for the mind and body and perfectly healthy. Are any of your members below the age of 80? Surely not.
joshua hurley
Today I received a forward of
your article on Wicca and read the venom that you spewed about it. As with any issue, there is always 2 sides to a debate. It was very apparent after I read the last word that no investigation went into this topic. I wish to respectfully bring forward a few points of interest/fact. 1) Wicca is an organized, recognized religion and enjoys the same government protection that you do. 2) Christianity has Pagan DNA. The late pope was researching this, and yes, heavily documented. 3) Wicca is a non-violent religion, and is very family/positive oriented. NO sacrifices are made or condoned. 4) Wicca is in no way affiliated to Satanism. Wicca does not believe in Satan. Evils that men do are a result of the man. 5) Christian holidays were moved and stories altered after Pagan holidays. 6) A major goal of Wicca is to co-exist with all other religions. 7) Wicca does not hold bake sales, or go door to door to recruit. Actually, it is very difficult to find a coven because of misunderstandings. 8) Amen literally translates to "so it be", again of Pagan origin. Gathering in prayer for a concentrated common cause is in fact a spell.
Although this is extended, I thank you for your time in reading this to provide a different view point.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Dear Pastor,
wow you -god lovers are quite amazing you are just so incredibly rasist and ignorant its funny this is go straight to my work so everyone can be educated, or as you would say edumication, on the ways of your "life style."
Bradly Nuld

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