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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form
What a sick Church and the Preacher's wife is a FAT slob especially writing nonsense about
exercising being a SIN you fat tub of Lard no wonder you think it's a sin cause your a fat azz and you are the one sinning with your greadiness, your sick and you know nothing about the lord, you will be punished for sure.....
Pamela Solomon
You are
The most evil people I've heard, seen, or read about since reading in school about Hitler. You
teach children to hate their parents because they can't or even won't buy them a luxury item like a playstation? It's people like you and your "dedicated" cult that has caused innocent blood to spill in the past and current history. It's people like you and your cult followers that made slavery seem a good thing. It's cults like yours that has caused children to have as much disrespect for their parents. You attempt to quote scripture about hating parents, yet the 5th Commandment states Honor thy father and thy mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Where in this Holey Commandment does it state to hate your parents, to disobey your parents? You are turning children into criminals who learn to disobey authority figures with the misinterpretation that it's ok as long as I pray to some "invisible cloud-dwelling deity." What happens when one of these children decide that a police officer isn't someone he needs to obey orders from, because he's not part of your cult?
In reference to the above, you are all disgusting devils - satanic acts against innocent children who are beaten because they DID NOT EAT THEIR BRUSSEL SPROUTS????
Laura Tumbleson
You are, to say the very least, insane. From your incredibly sexist statements to your attempts to scare people and keep them from emailing you, you embarass yourselves and everyone associated with your joke of a faith. Go ahead and publish this email in a book like you threatened, that would show people how ignorant you truly are. I am a catholic and I'm embarassed for you.
To associate with Catholics is against your rules? You sound like a facist group of intolerable sinners. Yes that is right I called you sinners. I am not god, but if I were I'd send you straight to hell. Nobody is perfect, but you people must be the farthest thing from it that I've ever seen.
Sent from my iPod
Reily A
What in the HELL are you people getting at...? So
you believe that you shouldn't have anything to do with the unsaved?
Then tell me exactly how you plan to get more people into Christianity..? It's apparently a REALLY sad time we live in when a bunch of hypocritical Do-good supposed "Christians" try to make a huge stereotype out of what THEY believe to be the right way. Do us REAL Christians a favor and stop giving us a bad name. I really hope your website is some kind of joke cause i pity anyone who would take ANY of that GARBAGE seriously.
Criss Wundntyawannako
“They still hold a grudge against our Christian Nation because Jesus let us blow up their cities in World War II.” I had taken this quote from
So, at this point, I can’t realize: who is the worst killer? The Devil or YOU? That is not a Christian assertion… This is why you Americans are the worst murderers who inhabited this planet ever.
Gianni Argentano
Deacon Fred,
I my humble opinion, I believe that your church is headed straight to outer darkness and I pity the poor souls who go there.
Regarding Your Church
I belong to the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
What you teach and preach is not of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. What you teach is evil, and it smears the Lords name. This is the worst that i Have sceen as useing His name in vein. Your ways disgust me. Your views anger me. It only shows how far Satan has progressed into your 'church of Satan'. Your not true Christians. And every Catholic and Potestant, and Orthadox will agree with that.
I found your site on a search engine, looking up Holy Mary. Something cought my eye, about your views that on how we "worship' Mary. and the whole 'Statue" thing. First off, I am not going to try to sit here and argue and convince you or change your mind. I am only going to say that everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING, you preach is absolutly wrong. All of Christanity will back me up on that.
I suggest you buy the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to help you understand The Catholic Church, and learn things from our perspective, and you will see that God is not who you seem to be makeing him be.
I pray that you Repent of your sins. I pray that you tare down your website, and seek to become a true follower of Chirst Jesus.
BrianSmth whitedove359
Dear Pastor,
Fuck this....Fuck you... ( i dont even like being this rude to people but
ima make an exception on this vid), Hurting other people, Becuase their not in your religion.. and you say we're going to hell... wow.

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