Letters To Landover:
"Pastor's Mailbag" I believe that your site is pure blasphemy i hope that the God damn you for you lies you preach to innocent impressionable children and local idiots like your self, inbreed scum, you should cut out your tongue and remove you tainted site from the net and remove your mail order position of perching your Twisted Version of the bible, you Racist inbred Sub-human Homophobic Retarded Blaspheming Scamming Nazis. Britain defeated your lord Hitler in the last world war. it saddens me to know you are human, eat shit and die clanner. Ben herr [convertingtoatheism@hotmail.com] First word that comes to my mind, SACRILAGE!!! To take the Holy Word Of God and edit it( Editing the Bible for your children)? Burn books? who are you people? Offspring of the Third Reich? And you have the right to omit anyone from your church, but did'n Jesus actually dine stay and walk with sinners in the belief that if they were not introduced to the Word of God that they would not be converted and go to Heaven? Since childhood, I have wanted and have gone by myself to church. I have also been fored to go to a Southern Baptist church whereupon I was subjected to being brainwashed. Again SACRILAGE! To force beliefs on someone is against God's will. To read and believe in God and His ultimate plan is wonderful. All should be welcomed in His House, and any church worth it's mettle is GOD'S HOUSE, not any person or organizations, BUT GOD'S! I am glad I live in America, where people like you can worship like you want, and I can choose the church that suits me, a sinner by God's words, for no one is sinless except Jesus, that is waht the Bible says He died for our sins, but until that fateful judgement day when He will be the supreme Judge, no one, not even you Rev. has the right to judge others until you have been judged, and since judgement day has not come yet, and you certainly are not Jesus or God, I see that you are just as much a sinner as anyone else. Is not there a saying about people who live in glass houses throwing rocks? Take heed Rev. The fires of hell burn hot, and well meaning so called Christians have stoked the fires for many centuries. Bitman Cantrell
Romel Goncalves First of all, it seems like you have a narcistic personality disorder. If you have a hard time understanding the concept, look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I am nothing more than an attention craving lunatic, and I need to be locked up NOW!!!!" You are nobody. You are nothing more than a speck of dust that so badly needs to be wiped up. Honestly, I thought the church of christ would be the ones to start something like this, but now I'm proven wrong. I've looked through your site and your forum. On the website, you sound like a raving lunatic, but on the forum, OMFG I can't stop laughing. You people are so stupid beyond comparision. I would love to see you all burst into flames. Sadly, I can't be the one to do it. I'm a woman, and I do have a soul. To you, it would be something like "dark as the eye can see" or whatever. To me, it's just a simple soul. I do good things everyday, things you won't hear of. Wiccans are not "generally overweight and of pale complexion". Stereotyping is the worst thing you can do in this day and age. "Wiccans are under a contract to wear black with satan." So not true. No one "makes" any "contract" with satan to "wear black". "Some wiccans even wear black underwear." Not true. Black underwear usually means something sexy and appealling. "It is a well-known fact that Wiccans only bathe once a month, as such; they have a distinctively unpleasant odor they try to hide by wearing perfumes like patchouli or wolf’s bane." Really? Where do you get this load of crap? What are your sources? "Wiccans usually bring home better grades at school than most of their peers. This is not because they are more intelligent, but rather because they cheat by casting spells and hexes on their teachers. Their master (Satan) is also highly adept at moving their pudgy little fingers in the right direction on a test paper. It is also important to note here that if a Wiccan is sober enough to vote, it will always be for a Democrat. The word "democrat" is closely associated with the word, "demon." Most True Christians® commonly refer to Democrats as "Demoncrats" and already keep a firearm handy during election time, so this information might be redundant for some." I made good grades, and I'm not a wiccan. I was told that my IQ actually above normal. Did you feel worthless as everyone else passed their class while you were too stupid to understand your work? Next, you'll be saying that teachers are demons. I'm sure the IRS would love to see those last few sentences. The separation of church and state is just that. You are supposed to keep politics out of it. To hold a political debate in a church might take your tax-free church away (since you are being political in your church, after all). All of your funding might go towards bail soon. I'll be giving them a head's up. "Most Wiccans congregate in groups that prey on loners. They are generally a quiet lot because they are constantly thinking about new ways to kidnap True Christian® children and drain their bodies of blood." Where do you keep coming up with this load of crap? I doubt this has ever happened. "It's a preference of blade over gun because a good part of their satanic ritual includes a precise cutting of Christian flesh into bite-size Jesus steaks that are oftentimes smoked and cured into what Wiccans jokingly call, "Jesus Jerky." These fat little demons get a real hellish kick out of sitting around their school lunch table, nibbling on Christian flesh while classmates look on unaware." Whoa, what? My god, it's all coming clearer to me. You are psychotic. I sat at the lunch table with a few wiccans, and none of them revert to cannibalism. Now that's just the crazy in you talking to people gullible enough to believe this load of bs. I have never seen such stupidity in all my life. Really, this takes the cake. "Wiccans are also known to tear out pages from the Bible (especially pages that have red writing on them). They use them to roll marijuana cigarettes into something they refer to as 'a joint.' " Also called a "pot smoker". A lot of wiccans don't smoke pot. "Most coven leaders are either Catholic priests or tattoo parlor owners." Wow, and I just thought they tattooed people. I didn't know that was just a front *sarcastically rolls eyes*. "Most Wiccans will tell you that they don't believe in Satan. Ha! True Christians® know you don't have to believe in Satan to follow him." I honestly didn't know you didn't have to believe in something in order to follow it. Maybe I'm just talking here as I waste my time insulting you, but someone needs to tell you that your assumptions are all wrong. "You'd think that by drinking all that Christian blood they would know something was amiss!" As I've said, wiccans don't drink blood. If they did, I wouldn't worry about you. Your blood would probably taste really nasty. You know, the kind of nasty that lingers in your mouth and throat for days? Yeah....sounds like you. Honestly, you are one attention-starved, raving lunatic. Really, let go of your mama's apron strings, and quit sheltering yourself with your "church". Percieving yourself as an idol is actually a sin. You also show signs of covetting intelligent and/or beautiful people. Poor you just couldn't get laid, and you were stupid as a child. You have issues. I recommend that you check into an asylum asap. I don't have a problem with churches in general, but I do have a problem with YOUR church specifically. Shadowreaperx@Writing.com
agreene@ksu.edu Personally - -I have been married to the same woman for 34 years --never cheated on her --and never had sex with other people before marriage either so from what your pastor says I've been defiled by woman ?? Or isn't it much MORE likely that your pastor is nuts ? Jon Bird Burnaby BC Canada God will NOT be mocked! He knows what you are doing and you will be judged by HIM on judgment day! May he have mercy on your souls! John Annabelle Get a grip father! The problem is not volleyball. It is the ignorance of the children's parents that should concern you! It annoys me to think that everyone is so fast to blame something or someone else for their own lack of judgment, ability or education! On the left side of your home page is a link saying to worship our Godly Ruler and linking to the whitehouse with Bush. Well here is a cause for concern as well. Perhaps the ignorance of your followers is directly related to your own ignorance! The simple fact that your title on the page says "UNSAVED ARE NOT WELCOME". What kind of church are you anyway? I thank God I was saved by a church that cares, not one who is self centered and arrogant! Kevin
"What's a half-breeded nappity headed negroid comanist snoffabeach?" Gillian Thomas, Age 5, Home Schooled That's traditional Christian values to you? I call it racism and hatred and the fact that he's home schooled tells you why. His parents are racists. You all are certainly going to hell if you believe this is Christian values. Enjoy the BBQ! Sincerely, My husband and I were having a conversation about pets and the Word! We started researching the internet and we stumbled onto this letter. I know that the Lord loves ALL of His Creations! yes we are a chain and we do eat animals. He created EVERYTHING with us His Children in mind.... That means that our hearts are NOT to be broken by the fact that we love our pets. Although I have read your beliefs and articles and agree with you on all issues wholehardedly, the line here that you said to an eight year old CHILD about Chinese people is just CRAZY!!!!!!!! I would love to know what childhood experience gave you the right to BREAK A CHILDS HEART! And how do you think that the King, Our Father is smiling on you now! There is no way you are a Pastor! In God all things are Possible! Even letting poor Timothy pet his precious little pet dog Scruffy in Heaven! You deluded, ignorant morons! In Christ's Love, Shelby Mathes you guys are horrible... god can suck my dick and so can you... this website is unreal... every other form of christianity was based on catholicism anyways...your all fucking idiots. PJ Ronan
Ranae Wonnacott
Your true believer,
Vengeance is mine says the Lord. You all are so very wrong. I don't believe a word of it. Perusing the web page "... the unsaved are not welcome". Is that a joke or what? Jesus said I did not come to save the righteous ... Try reading Corinthians 13 to learn what love is.
God help you, I read the article "Republican Children Say the Darndest Things about Barack Obama" on the Landover Baptist Church website. Although a few of the statements the kids made were cute, many imply that families must be teaching a dislike towards black people, racism if you will, or that we may be superior to black people. THAT is not raising children in accordance "true Christian" Biblical standards! or traditional values. Fear, or hatred, towards other races is not in agreement with what Jesus teaches in the New Testament. Our Lord teaches love towards all of man kind, even those who sin against us! There is no mention of race. Is it "traditional values" when parents obviously do not mind teaching their children slang, or curse words, which by the way is also not the godly way (1 Timothy 4:12). The language you printed (even though it may have been mispelled) was not funny or cute. It should not have been printed. How many black people or Hispanic people do you have in your congregation? Would they be offended by these so-called cute sayings?
Living in His love, Darryll Hunt
Chester Reese What Rubbish you are publishing on the internet! Have you no SHAME! YOU GIVE CHRISTIANS A BAD NAME! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION! Matthe Winder Thank you for keeping your ignorant beliefs alive in this world. Honestly, the world can't be perfect, it would cause chaos, so it's a good thing that there's still a group of people who can tarnish the world with their bullshit. Ignorant people like you fuel my hatred for human kind. Christian Lee You guys are fucking insane!!! You want christian parents to spank their children until the imprint of the cross is left in their rear ends?!? That is abuse!!! And I hope you were beaten like that as a child... cause then maybe that would explain why your such and asshole who condons child beating... I have a right mind to set this over to you local police department for review... you are all a bunch of sick bastards!!! Aly Moore To Whom it May Concern, First I want it to be understood that I am genuinely excited to see young Christians active in the World of Warcraft. But I have serious issues with some of the mentioned ideals I read on the Guilds website: 1. "Convert or Die?" Is this a guild name representing Christians that truly strive to show the love of Christ to anyone? I agree that unless we have a strong faith in the Lord and his Son we have nothing to look forward to but fires and gnashing of teeth. But with honest all-do-respect, "Convert or die" is the mind set of the middle age crusades. 2. "...to unsaved Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and other players who are going to hell." Though I completely agree with the statement understanding that faith in Christ and His Father are the only paths leading to salvation, the same problem exists here as did in problem #1: Where is the love of God. Jesus was straight with people when He delivered his message but at no time in the scriptures did He condemn those that were actively making an effort to listen to Him. He was patient and loving with them and through His perseverance he saved a countless number of non-believers. What message are you trying to send to people when your opening statement condemns them? They are condemned, but by God, not by us and it will never be our job to do so! 3. I agree that men are men and women are women but to accuse people of homosexuality based on the gender of their character is a judgement that (once again) we are not responsible for pointing out to people. Homosexuality disgusts the Lord as any true believer knows and to accuse someone of it based on a trivial fact is wrong in too many ways to mention. 4. Finally, the slogan that appears under your church's banner on the website, "...unsaved are not welcome (As Jesus Commanded). Shame on you all! Jesus said when questioned about his association with sinners, tax collectors and prostitutes, "I have come not to heal the healthy, but to heal the sick!" This slogan says to me (should I be an unbeliever) that I am unwelcome to come and learn of your God. That He does not want to allow me the chance to enter His kingdom! In closing I have a story: A man who had lived a very worldly life awoke one day to God's love. He realized the evils of his ways and decided then and there to change them. He realized however that he would need help and seeking it he approached a local church. Upon seeing the man the members said, "get out of here sinner, we know of you and the things you have done and you have no place among us!" So the man turned to God and said, "Lord! What do you want me to do!? I have tried get help from this church and they chased me away, they won't let me in! To which the Lord replied, "what are you complaining about? They won't let me in either!" I sincerely hope that these facts are an oversight to you, Pastor. Hopefully they are the product of a 16 year old child with his heart in the right place but in need of some direction. Maybe someone to remind him that we all fall short of the glory of God. Not just the unsaved. Respectfully,
SPC Joshua Kendall Bruinenberg Hello and blessed be.. my name is James and i was reading through your website and i noticed you or one of the folks whom manage your website is horribly slandering my religion and way of life... if you must know that not all Wiccans are weird peirced dark clothed people who only sit around and cast "curses or spells"... oo scary.. and if you must know that if you actually read into it like i read the Bible before i chose my religion you will find out that the people that do "curses" and claim that they will do bad things or that actually DO bad things arent Wiccan.. i myself am a normal person i dress normaly i wear jeans or dickiest and a collard shirt with a hat usually representing my sports teams.... i am an honest, considerate, and caring person.. i go to work and i am currently waiting to go to Navy boot camp i am not weird and i dont slander other people for there beliefs and instead of being closed minded about things i dont understand i research things instead of instantly condemning them because i dont understand it... and if you must know that all true Wiccans go by a code of ethics like for one the Rule of three which goes as such: Ever mind the Rule of Three Three times what thou givest returns to thee This lesson well, thou must learn, Thee only gets what thou dost earn and just like Christianity has the ten commandments we have the Wiccan Rede Bide the Wiccan lay ye must, In perfect Love and Perfect trust, These eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill; and ye harm none do what ye wilt, and so ever mind the Rule of Three, What ye send forth comes back to thee, follow this with mind and heart, Merry ye meet and merry ye part, i hope this shines some light upon my beliefs and im also not trying to start no quarrel i just would like you to understand before you condemn and if you have read this long thank your for your time and have a Blessed day Merry met, James
![]() The Landover Baptist website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under 18 or Adult Evangelical Christians. |