Letters To Landover:
Pastor's Mailbag Do you really think banning us and deleting our posts changes anything? Huh? You think it changes the fact that you stepped way over the line? You think it changes the fact that you have tremendously pissed off & offended millions of people all over the world? Huh? I'm sorry, what's that? There is no line? Well guess what, motherfucker, WE'VE DRAWN THE LINE! You think banning us is going to stop us? Do you really think it's going to discourage us from doing everything we can to bring you down and have your disgusting, hate-feeding site eliminated? Think again, you worthless waste of life! It's only going to strenghten our resolve make us more determined! One day, all those pathetic religious zealots on your forum are going to try going to your site only to find it no longer exists! You may have those Bible-thumping idiots on your site fooled, but you're not fooling any of the people who are speaking out against you! And if you're not afraid of us, prove it! I'm sure you've seen the video in which Shadow Slaughter informs everyone about the existance of your hate-mongering site. Why don't you prove it by talking to him! The GLF is larger than you know, you little fucker! And we will not rest until your little forum is taken off of the internet! godhatesgoths.com was bad enough but you've gone too far this time! Consider yourself FUCKED! Fun-time is over, scumbag! Jeremy Stephenson [darksoul99202@gmail.com]
I am also concerned that you believe that concerned writers are idiots and you will attempt to make money from us. Well do go ahead, by all means show off the distasteful display you so openly parade. I am quite prepared for my words to appear in print in any lies you choose to spew forth from your deranged mind. Oh and please do bear in mind a little disclaimer of my own: any sort of uncivilised reply will immediately be passed to Her Majesty’s Home Office forthwith and any organisations with which you may be linked in the United Kingdom will be investigated. I do look forward to any reply you may choose to send. Yours sincerely R Griffiths A church that don't want unsaved people in thier church so they can know christ and be saved sounds like a cult to me.And I am a pastor.We should want to save all people.Just a quick note what I think. Pastor Joe Hofer
jesseaking i used to be a christian but one day i realized how retarted the "sheep" mentality of the whole thing is. you beleive the only point of human existance is to serve a long dead prophet whom supposedly died for the "sins" of billions of unborn people?? Come on now, you can't beleive in fairy tales your whole life, and just because some old book of carefully selected scriptures (by the romans, the killers of christ) tells you these things you beleive them on blind faith. most christians such as yourself are ignorant of a lot of earth's culture, are very ethno-centric and xenophobic, and unwilling to take any other's point of view into account. i beleive that all people have the potential to start over anew, and live their lives to the full potential, not in service of any God but in a service to oneself and others. See.. god worship throughout human history has always led to conflict... you should seriously reconsider starting you life again as a non christian extremist. it will be a breath of fresh air. robert harris-jones I just read this thing about Dating tips for a Christian man on your website and I am wondering who would write this? This is the craziest thing I have ever read in my life. Thank God I didn’t grow up with those tips! And I feel bad for anyone exposed to this crap at a young age. I can’t say that too much of those tips are really biblical, it seems more like an uneducated pervert wrote them. Good Luck with that! Joe Lex "As a Christian youth, you are justified in taking whatever means necessary to escape from that awful public school - whether that means cutting class, damning your teacher to Hell, or conducting a mass book burning in the library.... " What are you trying to tell little kids!? And Pokemon being satanic? I'm disgusted by your rumors that aren't true! LOOK HERE! "Since the beginning of the Pokemon phenomenon, we've received overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents and their children. As an example, most parents have told us that Pokemon is wonderful and that it has inspired their children to want to read anything and everything about Pokemon. Also, the Vatican once gave its blessing to Nintendo's Pokemon games, saying they are "full of inventive imagination," have no "harmful moral side effects," and are "based on ties of intense friendship." That story about Pokemon is SO FAKE! I'm a Christian myself, but I'm really dissapointed about what you say with no proof. And this trash "As I always say, it is not for us to question how the Lord gets his kicks, but basically, unless your retarded, deaf, dumb and blind sister finds some way of understanding that Jesus died for her sins..." That's something only a truly harsh person would say. I don't care if this is some kind of sick joke, what your site says really offends me! And like I said before I'm a Christian, but I will definatly go to a different church then one with such ill claims, such as yours. Please tell me why you even allow that stuff on your horrid site. Thanks for your time. Israel Jones Dear Pastor, The site you have up is crossing the line on the matter of Sophie Lancaster. What you are doing is wrong and injustice. I ask you to cease and delete your website or a class action lawsuit will be filed with GOTHIC LIBERATION FRONT and with all parties adjoined to said organization. This is a very serious matter sir and what you have done is not a bit funny. We all aren't laughing one bit. We are disgusted and outraged with your behaviour and are demanding that you take down your site immediately within 72 hours or a class action suit will be filed with the St. Louis Federal Court. And appology is also to be done or we will present and file more charges against you for your hate crime. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Sincerely, Midnight Hyde [genderbitch@yahoo.com] GenderBytch Sincerely, I was recently looking at your site, and I am appalled! You people don't know the first thing about Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer in Jesus, and I am going to tell everyone I know to stay away from your website. Jeremiah Jenkins Dear Pastor Deacon Fred In response to your article publish in April... This is pure insanity. Christian are of no more value of any other person on earth. Jesus invited ANYONE WITH FAITH to join his group. So no christians are given special power over other... AREN'T WE ALL EQUAL" ??? How stupid can you be to place Christian over any other religion. Ben Laden use EXACTLY the same type of language to enroll terrorist in the name of Ala. Telling them that Muslem are elected as THE PEOPLE SELECTED FROM GOD (Ala)... Environment is there. No special God trick can change the fact that United States fucked up the entire planet with their over used of planet's energy and ressources. Now Americans (as well as other industrial oriented nations) NEED to react by adapting their way of life to reflect some respect to the earth God gave to us. I'm Christian and I'm shame of it when I read stupid text like the one you published in April. Shame on you! Martin Dube You are an idiot, your stupid site is lunacy, and I hate your god and your message. Sincerely, Thomas (formerly a Lutheran seminary student)
Let me let you in on a little secret: YOU ARE INREDIBLY IGNORANT! God, the deity you worship, has no reflection of hate and discrimination in the bible(s)! I am GAY, I was born from a woman, love my mother, love my sisters, love my girlfriends, I am Wiccan, and am completely FOR the environment. Your futile attempts to "gather" people, or "save them" (WTF with the money??!?) is disgusting. Everyone in this world has different beliefs. Christians next door who think what you do is revolting have their own beliefs. Plus Christianity and the entire bible was created by drunken men. For information on your behalf, no matter what you THINK, Wicca existed for 20, 000 before common era. Every historian acknowledges this. The gods of the old became the devils of the new, our old god, one of fertility and creation became the devil of the new. Wicca went underground because of your mentality and paranoia toward our belief. To deny our God and Goddess is to deny reality itself. Everything is male/female, hot/cold, day/night even you were created by your fathers SPERM and your mothers EGG, held in your poor mothers womb for sustenience. The worst thing about your kind of people is that you know nothing of reality. It is as if religion has warped your mind to believe in these horrible lies. The devil, in your religion is what you express. If everything is evil, every single great and REAL things, than what is God. God is witch killing, in all his glory he wants to kill his children? "HE" the Male God created by men and sustained by men leads you to mutilate the truth and make reference to killing people? YOU ARE WHAT WICCANS CALL LOST SOULS. YOU ARE LOST AND TWISTED IN THE MECHANISMS OF MAN, AND WILL NEVER HAS TRUE POSITIVITY! YOU WILL LIVE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IN AGONY ABOUT THAT IN WHICH YOU AND THE GOD IN WHICH YOU WORSHIP CANNOT CHANGE! I AM EDUCATED IN HIGH SCHOOL, TOP OF MY CLASS. I LIVE MY LIFE IN CHARITY FOR THE HOMELESS. I ORGANIZE GAY PRIDE PARADES, HELP WOMEN ABUSED BY ROTTEN MEN, AND LIVE A WICCAN LIFE. YOUR PEOPLE, YOUR FOLLOWERS, AND YOUR ANCESTORS HAVE DESTROYED ALL THAT SUSTAINS US. TODAY THERE IS STIGMA IN EVERYTHING. STIGMA? HMM DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WORD COMES FROM? STIGMATA! YOU, IN YOUR INFINITE GLORY ARE REAPPLYING THE WOUNDS OF CHRIST, AND WENT AGAINST EVERYTHING HE DIED FOR. HIS DEATH MADE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, OR SO THE BIBLE SAYS, AND YOU IN YOUR INTELLIGENCE OF A ROCK DECIDE TO PROLONG AND REACTIVATE THE EVIL THAT "APPEARANTLY" EXISTED BEFORE CHRIST DIED. HATE ME, KILL ME, EAT ME, BURN ME, HANG ME, CUT ME, DESTROY ME. I WILL DIE AND SO WILL YOU. I MAY DIE BY YOUR HANDS, IN THE MOST HORRIBLE WAY, BUT IN THE END I WILL DIE LIKE YOU WILL DIE. I WILL BE SLAIN THE SAME WAY CHRIST WAS. EXCEPT I AM CHRIST AND YOU ARE HIS MURDERERS. What makes you think what you do is okay? In your mind you believe in what you believe, and the words i say pass through you like swiss cheese. As well nothing you say will change my beliefs either. Analogy- a long time ago doctors treated women suffering with post natal depression with a labotamy, now as science has increased they have not only evolved scientifically but ethically. What makes you think the world will revert back to labotamies? In your case, your views of your so called "life"? Tonight I am going outside, I am going to look at the moon, symbol of the Great Mother Goddess, and ask her to change your minds. And then, my gay boyfriend and i will celebrate in the joy of life and ritual by having hot steamy anal sex. After i am going to have a bath with him, and sleep. I am going to wake up under the Sun, symbol of the Great Father God and celebrate the day. I will phone my dear mother and go shopping with her. I, will crossdress, and help my mother get to the government office vote for our new type of political party. I will read my millions of WICCA books, and learn of all the Truth life contains. Have a nice day, and Blessed be in the name of the Great Mother Goddess and the Great Father God. Denying your ability to help and support life is like a pregnant woman without warmth, inability to create life. You are shit in the eyes of majorities upon majorities of people. Leave everyone alone, believe in what you believe and put the whole "I NEED TO SAVE EVERYONE!" mentality away and throw it to hell (or better yet go in yourself). And let me live By reading this your subconcious mind has made memory about this writ. Learn the truths, and please for OUR sakes keep your CRAP TO YOURSELVES! The devil does not exist here, or in any reality except yours and the ones whom follow you. SO SHOVE IT! Jorden Wagner
LumbeeMan86 May the Lord rebuke you. "...and the greatest of these is love."-1 Corinthians 13:13 Brittney Mosher I'm concerned about YOUR view points that you post on the Internet. Just because the young man is black, with a "flat nose" as you pointed out, doesn't give you the right to decide he cannot come before the Lord. God DOES NOT recognize color but He sure does recognize ignorance. It makes me fearful that the people are being mislead by YOUR thinking and opinions. Did you not hear God is a FORGIVING God and those people you tore apart and judged most likely are forgiven sinners? I would suggest you take the time to hit your knees and seek forgiveness for judging others. That's not your job but it's my SAVIORS job. We'll be praying for you in Michigan. Cheryl Cook Hello, i was reading through some of your quizzes and noticed that the content of the quizzes would appear to be what you preach to your followers. Is this website serious or is it a joke? if you are serious, there is no way you can call yourself true christians. if it is a joke dont bother reading on. How is this the word of god? what gives you the right to say who is right and wrong in this world? In regards to homosexuality, it is not a choice. If god is the almighty, loving and accepting being that is so often preached, then surely you are sinning by denying homosexuals the opportunity to find god with you. Even if you are against homosexuality, atleast show them some repsect in referring to them as homosexuals rather than "homo's". If you are indeed a channel of god as all pastors are, and you seek to spread the goodness of god and his love, how can you sanction your actions against people like homosexuals? if you argue that the bible, that is the word of god has sanctioned your ways, have you considered that the bible was written thousands of years ago? ave you considered that it becomes out dated like every text does! if you refuse to adapt or modify the bible to suit the change of context, there is no way that you have the right to preach it, and bring upon society the ways of an ancient text! it would be the same if you tried to teach out dated science or out dated history! it would not be accepted or relevant in society!In refusing to revise your teachings you will force religion into extremism, and it will not survive in our context. just by looking at the history of the world, we have moved on from the past. we have learnt and adapted and changed in order to better ourse;lves and society. it is inevitable that people will sin, we are human and are victims to our natural selves. you cannot suppress that and in preaching outrageous teachings you will not succeed. "what is jesus's opinion of smart people?" Answer: "wise men are foolish and philosophers are spoiled" have you no respect for freedom of thought? for freedom of exploration? freedom to choose or question or even believe more than one thing at the one time? If god loves all his children, then you are tainting the love of god. you preach sick teachings and are polluting the name of god. I understand if you choose not to respond, but a response would be greatly appreciated. I would like to hear your thoughts on the issues i have raised. Thankyou. Alex Gorey Hi. I was just wondering if you read the review of any of the movies on your site, Iron Man in particular, because not only are you people obviously bat-shit fucking insane from everything else on the site, you simply lie over and over again in your "review". To write a "review" you have to have initially "viewed" the material. The first paragraph states that whoever wrote that article has never seen it, nor read the comic book. He also says it's about viagra and Robert Down Jr.'s hard-on. As it has nothing to do with that at all, nor does it ever even mention anything of the sort, it sounds like whoever wrote the article has dick on the brain, and is a bigger faggot than anyone he is insulting (most kids, except dumb-fuck jocks and ignorant Christians, i.e. yourselves). I guess what I'm trying to say is no one mentioned gay sex, cocks, viagra, little boys prancing in England, or anything close to it until this review was written. It sounds like someone is having a hard time coming out of the closet, you wanked-up fairies. Sean Baker In your special report "Yoga: A Religion for Sex Addicts" the author makes a number of outrageous claims about yoga. 1) yoga is not a religion. All religions true or false have several things in common. namely they believe in a higher power(s). Yoga does not. 2)the author claims that yogurt is the byproduct of yoga. he also says that". Creation Scientists place the origins of "Yoga," closer to 1963 when film actress Connie Stevens is seen doing it on historically archived film." please read this portion on an article from wikipedia regarding yogurt. There is evidence of cultured milk products being produced as food for at least 4,500 years. The earliest yoghurts were probably spontaneously fermented by wild bacteria living on the goat skin bags carried by the Bulgars (or Hunno-Bulgars), a nomadic people who began migrating into Europe in the second century AD and eventually settled in the Balkans at the end of the seventh century. Today, many different countries claim yoghurt as their own,[citation needed] yet there is no clear evidence as to where it was first discovered. ....Until the 1900s, yoghurt was a staple in diets of the South Asian, Central Asian, Western Asian, South Eastern European and Central European regions. It clearly shows that A) yogurt came long before creationists say yoga did and B) yogurt had nothing to do with yoga 3)My mother is a yoga teacher. having been to yoga classes for mothers day (I did not enjoy them ) and having seen them tough in my own home, I can tell you that at no point are a persons genitals referenced nor did they ever come close to my or any one else's face Yoga (Sanskrit: ??? Yoga, IPA: [jo?g?]) is a group of ancient spiritual practices originating in India.[1] It has been defined as "technologies or disciplines of asceticism and meditation which are thought to lead to spiritual experience and profound understanding or insight into the nature of existence."[2] ******Outside India, yoga is mostly associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga or as a form of exercise.****** yoga in america is largly exercise, My football coach had the team do some yoga at the end of working out. the three asanas that we did were called down dog, up dog and warrior, look them up on google. kindly Joseph Stansbery
![]() The Landover Baptist website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under 18 or Adult Evangelical Christians. |