Is it not in not in the bible "Juge not and thou shall not be judged"? hmm... first little bit of hypocrisy on your part. Also, you put your ToS in super fine print. Nice...
" royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display your submission (in whole or part including your personal e-mail address) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed." This means, we could write a book and include your email messages and all of the money we make from your stupidity"
You're breaking the rights and freedoms of any American/Canadian!
What did us wiccans ever do to you!?
Remember the rule of three aka Karma. What one person does onto another person will rebound on them three fold!
Go ahead and pray for me if you wish, but know this... You pray in a cold church, while I pray where I wish, whether it be in my bedroom or outside. Nature is my church. I look just like you, I act like you, but I have a different religion. big whoop! Do everyone a favor and stop forcing your religion down our throats. Thanks :)
Freedom of religion means ANY religion. We're here and this time we're not leaving!
I have 2 loving Christian parents who agree that whatever spiritual path I choose is my right. They support me.
Statistics say that there is 3 major religions: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism and the popularity in Christianity is steadily plummeting. In 2012 The 3 major religions will change, it's already projected that Christianity, Wicca and Islam will be the 3 major religions.
You say we're going to "hell" for our "Sins" against Christ. You're wrong. It will be the Christians who judge others on their religion who will be punished by their God.
Blessed be everyone,
PS: To anyone reading this, you've been trolled by this site. I'll be Screen capturing this whole site to go into my collection of trolls and how they troll religion.
And to all the people who think "Wiccans are evil"
We are the power in everyone
We are the dance of the moon and the sun
We are the hope that will never hide
We are the turning of the tide
Chew on that.
Wolelle Danibrin
you say Pokemon is evil, you say Pokemon has a fancy sugar coating on it, but, underneath its hell's poison
i think you got it wrong i think your hole religion is evil. All you people do is tell kids that all there toys shows and games are evil but all you jackasses do is show kids its OK to hate, what the hell do you think will happen when kids are told to start chanting Burn it Burn it, and Chop it up. Chop it up. Kill them All. (this is referring to the demonstration that Marty Richards did)
All you people do is teach kids to hate every thing and every one that is different than from what you believe and I believe your religion is what is causing all the hate in the world and if you truly care fore the children you will end your religion.
It is NOT OK to reply or contact me in Any way for Any reason.
I would like to say that who ever you are where ever you are you are the most horrible person in the world
I hope this website is some kind of joke because these remarks you are making and telling children even are completely horrible.
Telling children that retarded people will burn in hell. how can you even say that this person cannot comprehend the whole basic idea of god? have you ever been retarded? are you yourself retarded right now well you must be because this whole thing that you wrote about retarded people is retarded in its self. They can be smarter than you but they don't have the capability to express it the way of societys standards. You are encourging children to make fun of retards and tell them that they will burn in hell just by the way they are. well look at it this way you are christian and some people are not, do you see all of the non-christains making a mocery out of you because you are a christian? no you don't. you have no right to say these kind of things because who do YOU think you are to say them.
And another thing about swimming out of daddys dick to be born. Yes it isn't good to tell children where they came from untill a proper age to prevent children from having sex because thats just wrong but when there re-productive organs start kicking in it's about the time to tell them the truth. Why are you a liar you know where you came from out of mommys pussy and daddies testicals it is not evolution when you are born thats the natuall way of life when there is evolution thats when something CHANGES FROM SOMETHING TO SOMETHING ELSE. You don't just one day appear because everything has to be MADE to be in existance so obviously you are a virgin with no children because you wouldn't write this crap its all lies and you know it.
stop lying to everyone because you know they will believe you because you are a pastor and it's sinful to go against god you know that so you warp everyones minds with your bullshit.
oh yes and pokemon is short for POCKET MONSTERS not demons! POKE(poket) MON(monsters)
so your whole statement involving pokemon is already wrong.
in my closing statement I have come to the conclusion that you are crazy. or you yourself might just be a megalomaniac.
well i hope you end up in the Ninth circle in hell
from Melissa. :)
(Ps I know there are some spelling errors so don't call me out on them because i dont have all day to make everything perfect for YOU!)
Melissa Mokriy
Why do you abuse your kids? Why did you stun gun them just to prove a point? You people are crazy, who thinks or does any of this stuff?!
Seriously! You spazz out over the simplest things that most people don't care about, I know I don't. You guys are so crazy, like what the hell? You're taking away the kids childhood, and sacring them for life, do you relize that? It's insane
Rachel Venturino
You people are fucked up!!!
My brother is 5, sits when he pees, and is asking girls to “marry” him. If you people call that becoming gay, repeat, you people are FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rebeckah Goshorn
I mean no disrespect if so but is your website legitimate? It seems over the top.
Thanks for your time
Teresa Everich