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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form
From the Tower of Babel to Shuttle Demise: God Doesn't Want Jews Anywhere Near His Home
This is the most stupid article I have ever read. And yes, I am a Christian. I know what is truth and what is not.
Have a good day.
Ron Simpson
I raised 3 boys.......They are now 51, 41 and 39. I never followed the rules as you stated and they are completely masculine.
I have never read such foolishness!
Diane Evans
Mother of 3 very wonderful, loving and NOT GAY sons BY GOD'S GRACE!
Diane Write
to whomever it may concern:
your trashy misrepresentation of wicca and wiccans alike are not only completely WRONG, but entirely and thoroughly DISGUSTING.
i can't even bring myself to read all of these because they make me so incensed. how dare you blatantly LIE about this religion. did you know that this religion was long before your little farce of christianity?? that your bible is based off of old pagan stories? your holidays [easter, christmas, etc.] are based off of OUR holidays? you small-minded, ignorant FUCKS who write this bullshit should be disgusted with yourselves.
and didn't your 'god' say to love everyone unconditionally, and to do unto others what you would have done unto you?? how is posting these lies and slander falling under any of the above categories?
and you sell thongs and other clothing items on your website store with 'religious' phrases? how the FUCK is that holy?!
there are sometimes when im angrily browsing this abomination of a website and i think... this HAS to be a joke! this can't actually be real! i really hope it isn't and i hope this is some sort of horribly sarcastic fake website. if it is, good one, guys.
if it isn't... what the FUCKING HELL is wrong with you.
a proud bisexual wiccan ADULT,
You web site is sick. Not only should children not be exosed to it.... NO ONE should be exposed to this.... and you call yourselves Christians? You give true Christians a bad reputation.
Shame on you.
I do not appreciate not
one thing that you said said to this 8 year old girl about dogs will not go to heaven. You may be a Pastor but you need to be CAREFUL about what you say because there are hurting in many ways. I am a Christian but, I would say dogs or animals deserve to be in Heaven than Pastors or Christians. Be quiet if you can't do anything but hurt people in need. I think what you told her was heartless and cold. Thank God glad I am not a member of your church.
Julia Smith
You board members need to get together with your pastor and tell to stop putting thing on the internet that hurt people. He told an innocent 8 year old that dog or animals do not go to Heaven. Noone knows everything about Heaven. There will be Pastors and people of every kind that will be in hell. He also stated that hell would be full of China people because they don't receive the word. God gives everyone a chance to hear the word. Does he know the meaning to Missionaries? I am so grateful I do not know him and not a part of his Church. I am a Christian and not perfect but I do not go around hurting innocent people. I have always heard a lot of Baptist preachers drink alcoholic drinks. Is this in the Bible? No but I would not tell any pastor they were going to hell. He need to apologize to this 8 year old girl. He may cause her to go to hell. TALK WITH YOUR PASTOR. HE NEEDS HELP.
Julia Smith
I can't believe some of the spiteful and hateful comments made by your Pastor's. Even on
your children's page your teaching them that President Obama is a 'thing', and that the bible is entirely true, and that the outside world is a way for the Devil to get into your soul. The only way for the world to progress in a positive way, is through scientific research and secular thought. How can you be so disrespectful to any other kind of faith or ethnic group, or even scientific minds, who make you house warm at night, and make your television work. Without science you would be still living without electricity, and without true morals that are just part of human nature. You teach children, young Humans with fragile, undeveloped and easily led minds, that homosexuals and anyone who is not Christians, are evil and will burn in hell for an eternity.
All I would like to know is why you are so narrow-minded in your views and thoughts, and how you can teach children that if they are Christian, they are superior.
Oh, and Number 1. Please don't try and rationalize all of your comments.
Number 2. Please respect my opinion.
Sam Kay. (Alan Kershaw)
That was the most idiotic article I have ever read! I cant believe you would write such a sick twisted review about a harmless classic children's book. You have a disgusting mind if you think the book
Where the wild things are is trying to teach children how to masterbate and will turn them into a homosexual. I thought christrians were supposed to be kind and loving but I guess your not a true Christian. And by the way you cant judge people only God can!!! In closing I hope God helps you and your followers become more open minded and you learn to respect others.
Davina Leon
Luna Willow
After seeing your website and your messages from your "organization", I can honestly say that I have not been more scared of anyone more than you (even Scientology is not as bad as you). Not only are your messages cult like, but your wasteful use of money to further your bent outlook on Christianity is sickening. You all should be ashamed to call yourself humans along with the rest of us. You are no better than the next person, remember that.
Chris Reichert
Christians Greetings!
We have been motivated and encouraged by your website materials.
We have printed alot your articles and they have brought spiritual nourishment into our lifes.
We are a young ministry of 38 members and currently we carry out our services in one of our members living room.As the number increases we squeeze in.
We would like to know more on how you worship?Which Bibles you read?
Brethren in our society where i come from the poverty levels are high which has led to a society with morals.We
would like to bring hope back to many life's who are desperate because of their status which they are in..Kindly we request you to support us spiritually,morally,materially and financial to be able to grow has a ministry and be able to bring hope to may life's and spread the gospel of the Lord in this challenging environment.
Also we need your prayers since may souls are thirsty for the word of God.
It's our humble request to hear from you.
Mrs Fancy Chepkoech
I really cant believe you people have nothing better to do than to
bad mouth George Lucas over a piece of candy. its people like you that keep me from sending my son to church in the fear he will end up in some sick cultist environment. if you believe George produced this candy in some sick twisted scam to pervert children in any way you need your head checked!!!!!you give Christians' every were a bad name!!! it would be nice to see one of your groups actually do some good in something that makes any sense what so ever!!!!! if you put half the energy into doing something normal in the world as you have this you mite get somewhere. anyway, the only thing about this candy that I see pornographic or demonic is your vision of it. ill tell you what I would never send my son to a church were the pasture had all these homosexual and pornographic outlooks on things. I mean what kind of sicko see's a piece of candy and comes up with a sick twisted thought like that. I can only imagine the petafiles you have in a church were they see a pasture saying things like this and see it as a normal thought. you should all do your selves a favor and do what any self respecting cult would do and have yourselves a nice little mass suicide and save the rest of us normal people the psycho banter bull shit!!! well ill stop there before I really get into how I feel. I believe in god as much as anyone my son is proof enough of his existence for me but I don’t use my belief of god to bad mouth anyone. Christians' are supposed to be forgiving and passive just like Jesus thought . but instead you have turned into a bunch of self riches hypocrites when the day comes and god hands down his judgments George Lucas will be safe with his candy knowing that he meant no harm on children on the other hand whoever seen this as an attempt to somehow suggest that it was made to brainwash kids into sucking dick will probably end up in hell for having thought of something so vile and sick and pushing that picture into the minds of people all over the world!!!! it just go's to show you were your pasture's mind is!!!! when I saw this candy before I read problem with it nothing even close to that ever ever ever crossed my mind!!! shame on your pasture and shame on you for listening to him!!!!
Cristina Curcio
The fact you say no nobody unsaved can see this website is horrible and you should feel ashamed. Christian are suppose to welcome everyone who has questions or seeks god. This is what people get turned off about when they see things about God or Jesus. "Serving the Saved" is a joke. Jesus died for everyone on that cross.
Hi pastor, my name is Destini and I've recently come across your sermon on vegans. I've been vegan for three months now, and was quite shocked with the sermon. My father is a baptist and hasn't spoken to me since I decided to become vegan. Why do you think vegans are witches and minions of the devil himself? My father tells me that I'm going against God and will suffer. How am I going against God? God tells us meat is for our consumption, but does he ever say it is mandatory? I became vegan after watching two documentaries on the meat industry, does God encourage that kind of treatment. I understand animals were put on earth for us, but must they be killed so harshly? Hung by their feet while their throats were sliced, treated as a mere object. Why can't we live among them using them for companionship? I am honestly curious to what your opinions are on the matter.I would really appreciate a response. Thank you.
Destini Beauregard

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