Letters To Landover:
Pastor's Mailbag
Also, there's a tract that I send celebrities that's there's a picture of and what written inside on the bottom. I'd appreciate it if you could let me know about what you think I should do regarding writing to those involved in "The Golden Compass". Thank you. God Bless, Tom Pitt Hello! Where exactly in Iowa are you? We've traveled all over Iowa over the years - we've looked on the map for Freehold and cannot find you. Thanks! In His Service
Pastor Scott
fox news will hear about this for sure. K Johnson I am a 54 year old grandmother who just started playing WOW with my daughter and grandchild. They live a distance away and it gives us time to talk and spend time doing something fun that interests them. We hook up on Skype. Now that I've been into the game for awhile, I see good and bad. I've prayed and asked God to give me a check in my spirit about whether I should play. So far I haven't felt that it is an issue for me. I did automatically stay away from warlocks and some of the other creatures. My granddaughter was playing a character with me and I didn't know enough yet to know it was a warlock until she won her demon. Very nasty creature that would follow us around in flames. I explained to her that I was very uncomfortable with that character and we no longer play it. I was curious about what the web might offer in the debate if WOW was a proper activity for Christians and found your listings. I can see where this provides a wonderful opportunity to open up dialog. In fact I started a new human character called Redeemed. My hope is to play this in a way that I can pair up with other players and have the opportunity to discuss my name and the redemption Christ can provide. I wanted to mention though that I found something disturbing in the article about the guild your article describes. Here is the content: I was so surprised to see the kids that your youth are trying to reach labeled in such a limited and insulting way. I know quite a few people that play. Many ages, many backgrounds, some are extreme, some are now and then. I don’t know who the target of this article was for, but if anyone you’re trying to reach through WOW finds this (I did in a matter of seconds) how will it be received? Christ displays love, compassion and value in his creations. This certainly does not. It also leads to the question, what is the status of the youth in your guild that are also playing. Does this define them too? I know they have a higher calling now, but I am sure many were just on there playing and then found the guild. The tone comes across that there is a lot of ego in this guild and they are above the little pathetic non members. That they will rescue them. It is Christ that will rescue them. Hopefully through your youth. Just something to think about. I work with our Jr High and Sr High kids at our church. I see first hand how image and egos can be easily trampled by labeling and categorizing. May God bless your efforts and that these comments will be received objectively. Karen Arnpriester If you talk like a judge and comment like one about all people beleiving differently then you, you are not following Jesus' footsteps and you are not a doctor either. It shows in your comments and your eyes... G.Cote, Montreal PSYCHOTIC and should all be locked up in padded rooms! FUCKING WACKOs Lauracolumbus My daughter was surfing the internet for Sunday School project ideas about Easter and she stumbled upon your site. She is now afraid to go to church next week because she thinks that children get taken out into the parking lot and beaten on Easter Sunday. I am reporting you to my Pastor and to the Southern Baptist Convention. This is AWRONG! M. Nash Dear Pastor Deacon Fred, I finally found where Satan is alive and well and that is your non-church and web-site. Never has so much evil and garbage been in one place. You must be real proud of yourselves. Are you just a bunch of inbred morons who can't make a living in the real world so you resort to this kind of pure evil, or is this some kind of sick joke. Either way, what you offer has absolutely nothing to do with God or Jesus or God's Word in any shape, fashion, or form. Oh, and remember what the Bible teaches (if you really read or have any concept of what the Bible is): God is not mocked. You will reap what you sow and that will indeed be a very sad day for you and anyone else who preaches the pure hate and untruths and garbage that you spew. Jeff Reed Pastor, I am writing this letter in complete respect and humbleness,I respect your veiws ,I'd only like to point out maybe an error on one of your quizzes. While taking the "Bible Logic Quiz " quiz, it said that A verse in Hebrews says that once you are saved, then you backslide away from christ, that you may never go back, Sir, it says in Proverbs 24:16 that a just man falleth 7 times yet riseth again, In the bible when adressing Lot, he called him a "just man" although he lived in a homosexual surrounding. Look at David, when he took Uriahs wife and had him killed, he didn't repent for 1 year until Nathan pointed out his sin, and then David turned back to christ,and christ accepted him. When Noah got drunk, God still forgave him, i think it's Paul who says in bible the things i should do,i dont, and the things i should'nt do i do. Also in the quiz one man continued to live in sin by having sexual relations with his fiance, yet another man continued to live in sin but the first man went to hell and the second man went to heaven....how is that different? ....About the aborted fetuses going to hell, im sorry but God says in the bible that before Jeremiah was even born,God knew him.Jeremiah 1:5 So is it any different for an aborted fetus? im sure that God would know the babies heart before he just cast it into hell.Please, do not take this letter as an insult or a "royal tell-off" letter, but as a letter to inform you that your beliefs are contradicting.Please be open minded as i will be open minded to anything that you may write back,if you do. Sincerly, Darla Stewart I read most of your Web Site and I was planning to donate, but first I want to know exactly what you think about islam, b.c you have a message to all, but muslims, the ones that called prophet a man that call us infidels as animals. What's your position about Islam. I ask you that b/c there are a lot of crooks out there. Marci Pinto
I read your article on The New Church Policy and I'm really am upset that you are committing discrimination against women. Don't you know about Women's Rights? Do you want all women to die? Why do you condemn women from going to church just because they're going through their menstrual period and they're wearing tampons that you call "Satan's little cotton fingers"? Now this is much worse than your article "Women probably don't have souls" and that banner "Unsaved Unwelcome" . You are giving Jesus a bad name. You make me sick. I pray that you should turn away from your hateful deeds. In Christ,
J. Taylor.
Kathleen Campbell
Wendy Whitewolf you should be ashamed of your self's proclaiming to be people of god portraying racist pictures of your site about Jesus being black with a hat in chains you stupid fucks don't have anything else to do with your lives just little lesson in history look at Jesus birth place and the people around it that's what he was I'm white and I'm assumed for you because you are the type of person that gives Americans a bad name because your a bore-headed pig and on the other note I fucked your wife guess who i am Kenny Bembow
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