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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form!
I love how the crowd mocks your
FAT UGLY STUPID PASTOR on this YOUTUBE VIDEO in front of the U.S. capital of America. THOUSANDS of people. Mocking him. what a fuck-nugget!!!
Vossa Jex
You people are bigitod and stupids that deserve to burn in Hell for what you are saying. Jesus was fromthe middle east therefore not white. Also you misquote the Bible to further your own beliefs saying
The light shouldn't be with the darkness interpreting it as white people shouldn't be with black people is just an idiotic concept. You have no business speaking the words of Jesus or God until you realize that your religion is about peace and understanding, not separation and bigotry. Please rot in hell you horrible people.
Jesse Meyer
I have always been told as a christian that we as christians are to witness to unbelievers, but your slogan is
"unbelievers not welcome"????? , please help me understand
Landon Miles
Dear Psychotic nut job,
Your article on "Godly tips on how to beat and punish" your child, must be the most sadistic shit I have ever read!!!
Who are you to tell me that a child should have to suffer humiliation and pain, to get to heaven. Where in the bible does it say to regularly beat your child, and destroy that child's trust, self esteem, self worth, which would make them a non productive person in society. Are you out of you friggin mind?!?!?!?! Raising a child like is how rapists, and murderers, and theives come to being, because all they have known from their parents is hate. THAT IS NOT LOVE!!!
Especially this: . Ready your Bible, and lift it high above your head with one hand. Keep the child secure with your free hand. Landover Baptist Creation Scientists agree that the most effective way of securing the child for beating is to clench the back of his neck like a turkey. If they are still struggling, we suggest you raise your voice and say something like, "I'll give you something to squirm over, you little devil!" You honestly think that thats what God wants a bible to be used for, hitting your kid upside the head and on the "hiney". People like you who think in this way honestly make me sick!!! It says in the bible that God loves little children, and if you discipline children in this way you are taking away their innocense and joy!! It's people like you that make me want to report you to the authorities. And I probably will. I don't know what century you live in, but this is a FORM OF CHILD ABUSE!!!.
I dare you to e-mail me back, and explain yourself!!
Aris Grigg
Take this seriously, don't ignore it. Respect the commandments. Live a good life! Jesus is the only way to salvation! Be kind to others and do not say anything mean to anyone.
God Bless! :) Love is the key, don't ignore it. Please! Turn from your evil ways!
Please stop this horrible, blasphemous website!
Jacob Smickle
While surfing the Internet,
I came across a story about a young boy who had written to
you regarding a serious problem he has. The boy, as you well know, is the subject of
this email. It is outrageous that you would call yourself a pastor and further be
given permission to council our youth. This is not God's will. The Bible is very strict and
clearly states that, " What so ever a man sews, that shall he also reap". That, you should,
at the very least know, goes for nations too. You are sewing offer bad seed by calling
this young boy out in such a reckless and hateful way. Where is your decency? Do
you not know you could destroy his self worth? This boy is seeking help not ridicule.
How could you, calling yourself a man of God, approve of his father's physical abuse of
him? How could you talk to him in such a mean and cold way? Would Jesus conduct
himself in this way? Mister, please heed these words. This is not the will of the living God.
What you are doing is plain out wrong and no scripture in the Bible would ever support it,
accept if it were skewed and twisted out of context. Read your Bible with compassion,
humility and sincerity. Then, God will share his wisdom with you and you will know who
he is, and further understand your mission. And, it is at that point that you will become
his true servant.
Lastly, this young man, Geoffrey, seems to need professional help. While, you continue to
provide prayer, and spiritual guidance based on the solid foundation of biblical scripture,
meet with the family and encourage them to consider therapy for the boy. And, you'll want
to caution the boy's father not to verbally and physically abuse him. This could get out of
hand and lead to compounding the problem in many negative and adverse ways, not to
speak of the long range impact it will have on his adult life. He's a kid who needs a lot of
compassionate help. He's unlucky to have been born different. But, with the right guidance,
he can become a productive American and help to structure the future of this great nation,
while bringing pride and honor to his parents.
Joe Pace
I am in the process of filing a lawsuit against the Landover Baptist Church, please pull all you videos or I will be forced to take harsher legal action.
David Harris
Dear Pastor,
I refer to your article above and note that the article mentioned the following:
"The best place for a Christian to be (and you'd better have a special calling not to be) is in the vastly populated United States of America. The USA holds 96% of the world's population. It only makes sense to concentrate the last great surge of evangelism in such an enormous country."
The USA does not hold 96% of the world's population.
Please clarify what was meant by the above paragraph.
thank you.
Robert Chua
New Hope Community Church
First off, I am an Atheist ....here’s funny joke Thank god I’m and Atheist! But anyways it is NOT illegal to an Atheist and there are NO laws against it. I am an AMERICAN AND A HUMAN BEING, AT that I am an injured/disabled Veteran that served in OEF and OIF ...Pakistan and Iraq so to stereotype and JUDGE which I thought Your god and not mere mortals were to JUDGE you in the rapture/Armageddon or I guess sometime after that. I used to be a catholic when I was younger and was forced without making my own decision to be a Baptist, then I got smart and realized Sh!t there IS NO such thing as a god, but does this make me a BAD HUMAN BEING? NO. Your ignorance in this matter is appallingly hurtful, didn’t jesus teach you to love all people and NOT to judge them, seems to me
you want us to be JAILED or turned into the FBI. Stop JUDGING on something you are NOT educated on. This is another reason why I despise christians like you. I’m married for 8 years to a Baptist and I respect her decision in that and do not force my views and beliefs on her and vise versa.
Thank you for your time,
Timothy Brown
Landover Baptist Church,
I just read your article on the
satan-loving Pickles family in television's Rugrats. Your arguments are so pathetically baseless it's disturbing. To be offended by the fact that a one year old baby is wearing a diaper, or that two twin siblings look alike, or a name like Dil Pickles (a reference to dill pickles having nothing to do with anyhting phallic) proves your own relentless depravity. Your wild accusations of the show have no solid ground to stand on. Your reasoning is embarrassing and shows a fear of your own depraved thoughts which you project onto harmless cartoons in an effort to villify them and make yourselves feel more innocent. What does it say about you that you are the only people on earth who can find this much sexual innuendo in a children's cartoon? If you're watching a cartoon a babies and thinking sexual thoughts, you're the ones with a problem. There is no subconscious effort on the part of the television executives to brainwash our children. You are the only brainwashers present in this issue. Your ideals could not be farther from the true message of God. You idiots are an embarrassment to the human race. God is not on your side. He's laughing at you and your pathetically backward morals. Also there are multiple episodes where Stu's toys are shown and they are not harmful or sexual in any way. Feel free to respond to this if you'd like, I can always use a laugh. Don't try to recruit me to your moronic "church" though, I have no interest in joining or shoving my nose into your KGB bible. Don't forget, if you get upset while projecting your own sick thoughts onto harmless television shows, you can always change the channel and not write foolish articles with no justification but I am glad the article was written. I found it hilarious. Good luck with Hell.
Spencer Bath
Julia Jordan
Your whole website is false you have no facts,absolutely no proof of what you claim, so check your god damn facts before you put your brainwashing Christian propaganda up on the web. ps. Your map is wrong I'm pretty sure canada is not called soviet canuckstan and africa is not called jigaboo you racist pricks.

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