I’m not completely sure how to interpret Harry Hardwick’s attack on vegetarians/vegans. Besides it obviously being a source of immense amusement, which probably wasn't your aim, I assure you that it is also a blatant example of ignorance in the name of religion of the very highest order if I have ever seen one. Why in the name of God would you publish such kolossal nonsense if not for the sake of making a mockery out of your organisation and God?
For your information, the word “animal” comes from the latin word “anima” which stands for spirit, NOT “sausage fodder” as Harry Hardwick arrogantly stated. Anyone who promotes the senseless bloodshed of ANY living being should not be allowed to call him/her self a servant of God since God loves his creations, all of them. So did Jesus, and any enlightened being throughout human history. I ask you, what would be the purpose of giving animals a nervous system, allowing them to feel pain or hapiness, if they were simply put on this earth for our selfish human sausage making purposes? Please, give me a break! For one, the consumption of meat introduces a plethora of harmful chemical reactions within the human body, one of which affects the brain and makes people more aggressive and less tolerant. This is a proven medical fact! Is that what you want, more agression??? Any educated human being would make the logically choice to cut unnecessary suffering out of their lives and the world, regardless of their religeous beliefs. It is because of people like Harry Hardwick, who prey on the ignorant and blackmail them through fear and "in the name of God" to commit pointless violence and true satanic acts. Why any servant of God would want to promote harm and agression of any kind is completely beyond me. Harry Hardwick’s acusatory finger points straight back at him. Please tell Harry Hardwick that he is a demon himself. You should reconsider publishing nonsense of this nature in this day and age if you wish to be taken seriously for even a moment. The dark ages are over! THIS IS THE AGE OF INFORMATION. I suggest you get yourself informed. I'll go read about witchcraft now.
God bless,
proud to be a vegetarian since 1984
p.s.: I do NOT consent to your idea of publishing my personal email address in any way shape or form as stated on your site. Any attempt to do so is a violation of my rights and will result in criminal prosecution to the full extent of the law. I'm not interested in having my email address flooded with messages from a bunch of your misguided drones. I realize your disclosure statement is intended to keep people from speaking their mind, in the great tradition of your church. Well, NOT here, NOT now. This is a personal email from me to you, nothing else.
A french father you frightened for real .
To whom it may concern, GET A LIFE ! Why are you wasting time writing ridiculous articles about such nonsense ? There have never been any true documented accounts of anyone ever having the bizarre "incidents" of which you speak. Also, I would like to point out that out of the millions of people who have seen the brochures that come packaged with the Ab Toners, no one but you and your "followers" can find any "sexually suggestive" material at all within its pages. So you tell me, who really has a problem with perversion? All you need to do to answer that is to go look in the mirror. Because of narrow-minded, mis-guided, right-winged extremist individuals like yourself and those who believe your string of irresponsible prattle, those who really need to be focused on and exposed so that they may be brought to justice run free to molest and corrupt our children from behind the enormous smokescreen of nonsense that you continually create as you focus on idiotic issues such as this one that have virtually no factual basis at all. People like you find "sexually suggestive" material where none exists. People like you are quick to point the finger with no proof, yet are somewhat less than swift to apologize when you are faced with the reality of being wrong. For example, a man was recently fired from a job that he had held for nearly seven years without any incident of any kind. He was terminated because a "self-righteous" woman falsely accused him of sexual misconduct. Even though there was no evidence to support her claim, and the man had over eighty of his co-workers speak on his behalf, the man was still terminated, and even though his innocence has been quite clearly established, he still has not been able to regain his job due to the fact that it "might create a hostile work environment due to his questionable behavior". This decision was reached because the woman who made the fraudulent accusation threatened to sue the company for "failing to protect her religious beliefs". She has since been quoted as saying that it "was god's will" that the man be fired as an "example" to "all the rest of the perverts out there". This is the exact same type of garbage that you are spouting. Lest we forget "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" Perhaps that will give you some spiritual food for thought. Goodbye and may The Lord bless you, keep you, and forgive you, in Christ's name, Amen
"M" - Vince Williams
Well, since you've permanently driven me away from Christianity with your idiocy, I think I'll just go cast a circle and see what a real religion is about. You may not welcome me in your church, thank the Gods, so, I'm going to go see what wisdom the Great Horned God is willing to impart upon me. I'll be sure to ask the Great Mother Goddess to forgive you when you die.
I'm quite happy being an 'unsaved' little wicce. And I found that cat thing to be hilarious, for the record.
May the Goddess and God bring you the wisdom and insight you so sorely need.
Nellie C
The reason I became a vegetarian is because of the cruelty caused to animals by the meat industry, the farming industry, and the transportation of live animals. Recently I started thinking of going vegan, your views have now caused me to make up my mind, I am now a vegan.
I also object most strongly to being referred to as one of satans minions, how dare you call yourselves true Christians. If you examine the bible PROPERLY you will see that not only did god give Noah and his family meat to eat AFTER THE FLOOD, but the meat he allowed was limited to a very few kinds of animal, AND the animals were to be killed HUMANELY, unlike what goes on in abattoirs and farms today.
I want to go on and on about your offensive views, but you have got me so angry that I'm slamming my fingers on the keyboard to type this. DO NOT expect to see me in any of your churches on Sunday, or any other day for that matter because I WILL NOT BE THERE.
Charles T. Wild
Have you ever considered going to an asylum?
They are good, really, and they serve good food, and you could pray there too; oh sorry, I didn't think about it, they don't praise your ego and greed, I forgot!
You REALLY need some SERIOUS professional help!!! I wonder what happened to you as a child to be so close-minded and self centered and intolerant, you MOST certainly aren't following the Christian teachings of love for everyone, shame on you, read the bible with the heart, don't take what's good for your hate and greed and boasting!
Best regards
bishop evangelist stephen pekular
You're so full of hatred that Satan must be harboured in your organization.
It's unsettling to be made aware that an organization like yours has the presumption to speak in the name of Jesus.
Conclusion: Your organization should be declared illegal for fomenting hatred towards the weak and humble. It is an un-christian organization that uses nazi-like rhetoric to demonize the weak instead of helping them: the real work of Satan.
Edwin Martin
Actually, Gene L. Coon (co-creator of Star Trek) kinda sorta based the TOS Klingons on the stereotypical image of the 12th century Mongol Horde during their expansion under the rule of Jenghiz Khan and his offspring. In any event, the Turko-Mongol (Ural-Altaic) nomads of the Eurasian steppes have absolutely no genetic or linguistic link to Semitic Arabs, the only convergence being the Turkic acceptance of Sunni Islam due to nothing more than an accident of geography (much like the Kara-Kitai accepting Sinicised Buddhism from China, or the Finno-Ugrics accepting Christianity via their proximity to Europe). Mr. Mullins, you really needs to pull your nose out of that gutter and actually travel a little. Fucking retard.
My favorite: "Well, you don't need a degree in Theology to see how clear it still is. In fact, I think the new makeup does an even better job of bringing out the demonic nature and character of the Arab people."
Ignorance and hatred...nice combination for a supposedly good Baptist Church. What would Jesus think? that you're an idiot!
Samuel Garrison
One, doesn't the basic principal that we are taught by both our parents and the Church is to try to love one another and not hate? I'm actually incapable of hating anyone, and believe me, I've tried (for popular arguements sake in the past). How can teaching children to hate anyone different than tehmeselves be a good thing? In my opinion, teaching fear and hatred is working directly against Gods' will. I believe that since all humans exist, we are all created by God, and to hate one another is wrong and repressive and unnatural.
Two, historically speaking, Jesus was a Jew. At that point in time, white people weren't born in the Middle East. The Bible states that Jews are the "Chosen Ones", and might that possibly be because the Son of God was Jewish? Christainity itself exists ONLY because Judaism existed first. The Torah (the Jewish holy book) is our Bibles' First Testament; we added the Second Testament centuries later.
Three, I can't remember which article I was reading, but it said something to the effect that Americans are the ONLY right nation in Gods' eyes, and every other nation was in some way or another blasphemy realized geographically. But remember, every single American who is NOT a Native American is not originally from here. Europe, Asia, Africa (non-consentually), and the Middle East are, for the vast majority of Americans, the Original Homeland. Another article addressed why "the Chinese talk to funny". Again, the English language comes from Great Britain, an island far across the sea. Even within the English language, many of our words are borrowed from other Germanic languages. The words "redux", "activate", "forums", and "audio" are ALL French words. Plus, I noticed that you've addes Valentine's Day items to the gift shop; Valentine's Day is in honor of St. Valentine, a Catholic.
I could go on for a long time with this email, but I feel I made my biggest points known. If you choose to reply, please be as respectful of me as I have been of you, even though we disagree on most subjects. Thank You.
Chelsea Lea
Los Angeles, CA
Jason Malakaua
Michael Bales
I am a youth pastor in Colorado. A student found your site, a student who does not know Christ. We've been debating back and forth on Biblical issues while I try to win him over to the Lord.
One of the issues we've discussed is why there's so much death in the Bible. Then he finds your site and the Quiz with the title, "God's favorite ways to kill" and my arguments are set back days, weeks or months.
That title may be more than a little insensitive. Would you consider changing it and posting an apology?
Lynn Ault - Refuge
I'm a college student in Oklahoma and was visiting the White House web site, and saw the words who will Jesus burn? i click on it just because i want to see what you had to say. There i read your quiz and became appalled, i have been a Christian almost all my life and i have never believed in hell, in the first place, but to send a little two year girl to hell because she can not tell the difference between being clean and dirty in her diaper. That's crazy!! The bible as i know it says that ALL God's children are going to heaven, That sounds like it includes everyone in the world or universe are going to haven. Because aren't all children of God, no matter how old we are, or what human sin we have committed? One of the reason you said that Jesus would burn someone to hell was the verse John 3:16, God so loved the world that......... I thought and tell me if I'm wrong that Jesus died so our sins were forgiven! ! , so my are you saying we are still going to prosecution, for the Human sins we commit. Yes i believe if we cross God's law then we will be punished, but not from the example that you gave.
Please can you write me back and help me understand where you are coming from, i want to grow in my faith and find it hard when i see things in our society that are confusing.
Thanks for your time
April layne
Another false bit of information would be that Alfred Hitchcock wrote "American Psycho". The movie was actually based off of a book written by Bret Easton Ellis. Later in the article the writer describes scenes from the so called movie. One of which being a scene where Leonardo DiCaprio fakes his death by drowning from an ocean liner. That, by the way, was from the movie "Titanic". Titanic was an actual historic event. The movie was completely true, minus the love story between the two main characters. One other scene illustrated by your writer was one describing the head of a girl spinning, then throwing up pea soup. That would be a scene from the film "The Exorcist".
Other than movie descriptions, there were slanderous remarks made on Leonardo DiCaprio. If your organization does not like him as an actor, that is no reason to write such ridiculous lies. Everyone has his or her own opinions. That is what makes us all unique. One fine example of these lies would be that Leonardo DiCaprio, and I quote, 'is so possessed by Satan that his very appearance has been physically altered by demonic forces.' These are things that I would expect from a five-year old child who does not know any better.
I feel that I should add two more things to this e-mail. First, Leonardo DiCaprio did not even play in the film "American Psycho". He was considered for a stand-in, but that never did occur. Second, your little motto, I guess you could call it... 'All Jesus, All The Time, Landover Baptist, Unsaved Not Welcome!' You should be ashamed! Jesus, unlike yourselves, tried to save all, and not cast them from His presence. Perhaps you should follow the lead that our great martyr died for.
One question for you. Why is the 's' in 'unsaved' a dollar sign? What are you trying to get across to the people? The dollar sign tells me your organization is only out for its own avarice.
I would love to hear from you. My e-mail address is princessmugg@xxxxx.com Hope to hear from you soon.
A. Eggleston
I will leave you to be in your filth.
Janell Synstelien
Its a series, idiots, nothing in there is in any way related to the stupidity of religion !
House Martok
Before trying to even scratch the surface of our great religion and culture I suggest to read about it instead of referring to a silly and stupid show like star trek, and if the American people enlighten their knowledge by viewing such silly shows then this tells a lot about the American people and their Sunday schools as well!!!!
By the way, Hitler the world’s number one terrorist was a Christian so that makes Christianity from your point of view the number one religion for terror
Ali Abu Ghoush - AliA@xxxxx.com
A Non-Meat Eater,
Elizabeth Jape