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Letters To Landover:
Pastor Opens His Mailbag!
A Sample of E-mails received.
Unedited and in original form
I'm a Christian, and someone recently turned me on to your website. Is this a joke? This goes against every teaching of the bible. How is this diffirent from the Muslim Extremist? I only hope that people are smart enough to know that God loves them with his heart and not their choice in toys. I think that your just as guilty as the "Special Interest groups" running this country right now. You are turning our religion into a "Special Interest group" yourself.
I'll be praying for you this week.
-Jeff Little
I cannot believe your web site. It is so totally wrong ONLY a STUPID FUCKING idiot Baptist Mother fucker would do this.
I intend on filing any and all discriminatory charges on you that is possible.
Baptist, you STUPID people really SUCK and you just proved it you idiot Bastard.
)O( Roger Preset
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love, and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee,
So ever mind the Law of three.
Follow this with Mind, and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
I am seriously concerned about what type of church you are running. I don't even know where to begin. I've read your
sermons and mini
First of all, why would you use this type of language--
"He lived in the devil run Satanic smut world for nearly 10 years before he got his worthless, good for nothin' sorry ass saved."
when referring to
Pastor Geoffrey Weaver?
Secondly, who are you to say the following?
"Creation Science teaches us that any music faster than 4x4 time in rhythm belongs to Satan."\
any music, however fast of slow may be used for worship. As long as it's glorifying God in every way, then let the glory be to God!
Thirdly, how can you be so sure it was an apple?
"Apple also uses a logo that mocks the Lord by embracing the symbol of fallen man."
The bible said it's just a fruit.
Also - RE: " Please note - If you do not have the same beliefs as we do, you are going to burn in Hell forever. "
WHAT in the WORLD is that side note?
you guys should watch what you're saying to people.
Ana Madrid
I have never seen something so psyco like this. I mean are you people actually believing this????? If the world should be ruled like you want to everyone would be depressed, is that what you want????? This is sick!!!!!!! Is it bad to take care of eatchother? Help? Who gave birth to you??? A woman. So how can you not show respect? I feel pitty for everyone that believes in this crap!!!!!! Like I said, I thought God was a nice guy and wanted people to show love, not hate?? You should listen to Marilyn Manson, at least he has good arguments and knows wkat hes doing. God help you!!!
axel ryberg
Hi. I hope you are well.
I found your Wiccan Kennel page. Is that a joke? Do things like that really exist?
karen webb
Are you being serious when you say you would
laugh at people in Hell?
David Wellard
You people are fucked up!
Gary Brang
You obviously don't know what you are talking about. What a waste of time and money, it OBVIOUSLY takes more faith, time, money, energy, etc, to be an atheist. Shouldn't you be doing something more productive with your time God hater?
Clara Daoud
Your website is a joke and what on earth gives you the right to condemn others and judge them?
Shame on you and the other idiots who contribute to your website!
People like you make a mockery of Christianity and you people a reason to hate Jesus based on the crap written on your website.
Well done driving people away from Jesus and giving more souls to Satan!
John Eapen
Hello pastor,
I was reading some of the letters you have given advice on and I found some of your advice to be disturbing. There was
a letter from a 12 year old boy asking you questions regarding Michele Obama and others of the African race. His question was, "why is Michele Obama very pretty and most colored women are ugly?". Your answer to him was completely off base, and uneducated. One's good looking features has nothing to do with interracial relationships. It seems like you and that young man need to get out and the world and see all different types of people of all races. You being a "pastor" should sound well rounding instead of a closed minded individual that assumes what is what based on how you was raised. If I were you I would take a class in genetics and I bet you your spot in heaven,( wait I already have one ;] ) that what ever you believe the reason why being good looking has to do with being white, is nothing but senseless, tasteless and unGodly at the most. I am not picking a war , I just want you to think about what you say and know that how trashy it sounds coming out of someone that is looked up to and idolized.
Jessica Jackson
Seriously, I am a Christian coming to your site for support and I read
this letter from an eight year old boy and the response you wrote is horrible. I cant believe you would write this response. It is people like you that give us true Christians a bad name. You need many prayers!
Jennifer Kobus

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