Letters To Landover:
Paige Lopez
Mick [extracted]
Samantha Nichole Brann
Using awkwardly silent moments to quote scripture or sing a hymn is not harmful in itself, but to say all women will be impressed with such things and if we are not we may be possessed by demons is quite ludicrous and insulting! As a Christian woman being told not liking a constant and desperate attempt to quell a long silence with scripture and hymn and that because of that dislike I am probably possessed is beyond me. There will be awkward silences during a date and to have a man suddenly belt out scripture and hymn gets old fast! I’m on a date to learn about the man I am with. As a woman this advice makes a second date very improbable! Also all women are not alike! All Christian women are not alike. To say we will all like one thing is setting up your male parishioners up for heartbreak and disappointment. I don’t have a problem with taking your date to Church. I mean that is where Christians meet on a regular basis. My problem with this comes from my experience. I have a male Christian friend at church that I like and the problem is I sometimes find myself becoming distracted. Nothing should distract you from the Lord! Dating in Church can do that. Here’s my biggest problem. Grilling your date about her faith every few minutes will become annoying and once again lessen the chance for a second date. God allows us to learn about out potential mate’s faith by how they behave and through daily interaction (another reason not to rush things). I have learned this through experience. The Lord will never let you down! Also knowing the exact moment, down to the minute, you came to Christ? Why is that important as long as you have come to Christ? In closing I need to say this list is not realistic and devoid of experience. I went to school with Christians who followed such doctrines and they were left confused and disappointed! God WILL lead us to the one we are supposed to be with. Many of the tips given here will push women away, even Godly women! Also, yes, we women are supposed to be a companion to our husbands and obey him, but we cannot obey ungodly men! Thank you for your time and I sincerely hope you are not of those that believe disagreement equals automatic damnation. Jesus himself disagreed with the establishment.
Crystal Wright
Southern Baptist member twmount Hello, Please know that I am writing the church with the upmost respect and show nothing but concern. I have a concern with your athiest page. The comment about throwing kids in jail who claim to be atheist is not doing God's work. You are not to judge, that is the concern of our Father. Reporting them to the FBI is not going to be very helpful either. The bible tells us to be forgiving of others. It does not let us place judgement on others. It is not right to make such comments about these people. They have the right to believe whatever they want about 911. I don't know if you are trying to appeal to society or the people of your church by having this page up but this is hardly doing Gods work. I am very concerned. And by the way, don't you think condemning "kids" is very ungodly. Many of these kids do have not grown and are going through stages in their life. It is just unfortunate that your church has to post something like this. It is hypocracy in the churches that drives children away from it. It is the fact that so many churches judge! I pray that you do not reply with harshness and I also will pray that will you see my point. Thanks, Susana Joan Spiegel Veronica Orsi How on God's green earth can you sit there and tell parents their little son shouldent cry or use bright colors ? You need to go get some sermons from the late Jack hyles . God created every color imaginable for the world to see . Wasnt it God himself that created all the colors in a rainbow ? Wasnt it God that put tears in the eyes of men ? Let me tell you this , God is the same yesterday , today and tomorow . God has never changed . It's man who have changed . Changed their standards to fit the world . my favorite color just happens to be black . does that make me someone that worships the darkness ? NO . To tell a child that he must not cry is like telling God that he messed up when he created Adam . Id be willing to bet that God has shed more tears than all of mankind . why dont you go do a search of jack hyles and first baptist church in hammond Indiana .Lets bring the standard up to meet Gods word . Don't bring the standard down to meet the standards of man . Oh , by the way . to show (on your site or anyothe place ) that God had long hair is wrong . isnt it a sin for a man to have long hair ? isnt God a man . If God is a man and he had long hair than i think this whole world is in a bunch of cow dung . wWho will save us , me from hell now . lets cut the hair of God short on the so called pictures of Christ . I say so called because its not Christ . Noone has seen god so how in the world are we showing this so calld God ,who looks to be nothing more than a long haired hippy in theese pictures . Little Stevie I was going to write to you regarding your article about Mitt Romney, but since your terms are rediculous then I figured never mind. Why write to you at all since you can alter any statement that I would say. Just so you know, your propaganda video about the LDS church made me laugh. Not because of their beliefs, but because of how you portray them. This is not coming for someone who is part of the LDS church. I am no longer a member, but I still respect what people believe and try to understand it for what it is, instead of slandering it before you understand. Mark Avery I CANT BELIEVE YOUR CRUELTY!! I JUST READ THE STORY ON YOUR SITE ABOUT YOUR WOMEN AMBUSHING A PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AND ATTACKING THOSE POOR WOMEN!!!! WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT PENTECOSTAL WOMEN AND ALL THE HAIR THEY HAD ON THEM, THAT WAS THE MOST FIERST CRUEL THING EVER. I CANT BELIEVE YOU!! THAT IS NOT TRUE.. I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD PENTECOSTAL WOMEN AND THE THINGS YOU HAVE SAID WERE UTTERLY UNTRUE!! WE ARE ALOUD TO SHAVE ANY WEAR WE PLEASE MY LEGS/ UNDER ARMS/ EYE BROWS ETC. ARE ALWAYS MANICURED AND SMOOTH! AS FOR OUR HAIR IT IS A COVERING CROWN!!! THE ONLY PART OF OUR BODY WHERE WE DONT CUT.... WHAT YOU DID TO THOES POOR WOMEN WAS JUST PLAIN CRUEL AND I KNOW GOD WOULD NOT APPROUVE OF IT AT ALL, YOU DID NOT ACT LIKE HOLY CHRISTIANS AND HAVE RESPECT FOR OTHERS RELIGIONS... LORD HAVE MERCY ON ALL OF YOU.. AND HOPE YOU CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!! Veronica Orsi You idoit retards don't even know who God is all you people are hypocrites! Making fun of Christians! You people are sick! You can talk and talk and talk about how Christians are ignorant people. But you Atheist retards well never get rid of Christians and their beliefs in this country USA! You Atheist sickos are not going to get rid of The Word Of God! We Christians will win the good fight and you Atheist loosers well have a grand prize in Hell! Craig Kesler i just want to say your site disgust me. you twist the words of yeshua for your own needs your site is filled with foul language ephesians says let no filthy words come from your mouth god forbid a child comes to this site and see's this trash you should be reported for child abuse and endangerment and your site shut down i will see this happens you are a false teacher as matt 24 states i could debunk all your claims but you are not worth i study hebrew and greek and it is different from what you say. yeshua was a jew and you hate jews? you might as well hate yeshua. please recant all your statements you will be reported. oh and read a book! or get a job! moron. CHRIS11188@ao[last letter extracted].com
God Bless, Jamie i would just like you guys to know that you are some messed up motherfuckers and if i ever meet any of you i will personally beat the living shit out of you Jesse Hello, Some years ago (too many to remember) a post was made under my name and is being picked up by Google. I honestly can’t remember what the post was a reply to, but please remove it or simply change my name to [EXTRACTED]. Every time anyone searches for my name on the internet, your mailbag is the first thing that comes up. I found this because a current employer, my parents, a girlfriend and others called me about it. I am sure many other people have the same issue. I was probably about 16 or so at the time and I believe this to be irrelIivent by now. I am referring to a post under my name located at the following location: [extracted] LM
Alex Hackett
Dear Pastor, I am writing out of concern, though I do believe my email will be received into unwilling hands and fall on deafened ears. While your dedication to our great God and Savior is compelling, I have seen some content that you may not be aware of, that is not of the Lord. The statement "Landover Baptist - Unsaved Not Welcome" - did not our Lord command us at the Great Commission to reach out to the lost? Did He not spend most of His time on earth with the sick, the damned, and the criminals, ministering to them? Yet I see nowhere on this site that this is practiced by your congregation. I sincerely hope with all hope that I am mistaken, and that you do have ministries and opportunities for your people to reach the lost for Christ. Secondly, the ads that are on your site are appalling. "Sexy Love Offerings" - is this for real? "God told me to hate you"? "Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers"? "Who would Jesus bomb"? "Just because God loves to kill babies doesn't give you permission (quoting Hosea)"? "Unsaved and loving it"? And your beliefs pages isn't much better; in fact it is an abomination to our Heavenly Father. In summary, I find myself hoping your site is a joke, and even if it was, I cannot say with certainty it would make it any more acceptable or less offensive. I am refraining from judging, as there is but One God and One Judge, and to Him we must all give an answer. I will say however, that I do hope you and your people will seriously reconsider the content of this site and - if in practice - these unbiblical beliefs. It deeply hurts our Lord Jesus to be represented and shamed in the way you have shamed Him. I am very saddened as well, by what I saw, and I will be praying for you and your people. I do not desire that any should suffer from such actions or beliefs, but that all will have a true conviction and acceptance of God's Infallible Word, for through suggestive ads, misrepresentation of Scripture, and untruths about our Lord may be found, His Word is indeed, as the Bible states, a sharp edged sword, and will continue to stand for all eternity. It also commands that anyone who changes the Word in any way or misrepresents it will join in the Lake of Fire (last few sentences in Revelation). I sadly do not wish this upon you, and plead for you to reconsider what you are promoting. Your site could be a wonderful outreach to the lost, especially in the times we are living in now. It is my sincerest prayer that you too will share this and pray to the Lord, changing whatever He desires you to change with a thankful heart. I am no one - I am but dust, a sinner saved by grace, but He is the eternal God and our gracious Savior, our blessed perfect Lamb that gave Himself up for you and for me. Lastly, if you do not heed my words, I pray our Lord has mercy on you and all who believe these atrocities, and that once He has removed His faithful ones from the earth, that you who are left behind will remember my words here, as they are written in Christian love for my brethren. This letter may not be used in a nonrepresentative way of its original content and if quoted must be done in its entirety. Follesurtoi@ao?.com
You guys suck monkey's cock. I hope that somebody would kill you all! I wish that you die slow and painful death, and i really hope that you guys are going to burn in hell you fucktards. Be happy that i don't know where you suckers live! FUCK YOU! PS: Did you guys get raped by a dog again? That would explain alot. Fuck you! PPS: I would really enjoy torturing you guys to death, you whores! mikael871@luukku.com
William Kendrick
![]() The Landover Baptist website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under 18 or Adult Evangelical Christians. |