SARS: God's Advanced Weapon of Mass Destruction
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How to Spot Atheists and Report Them to the FBI!
Five incredibly helpful tips on how to hunt down Atheists in your community and report them to the federal authorities!
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Like Jesus in the Temple, Furious Pastor Flips Display Tables and Destroys an Entire Wal-Mart
"I turned my head for a second and Pastor was gone. It wasn't until I heard gunshots in the lingerie section that I yelled out, 'Holy Yenta, Mother of Moses!'"
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Dixie Chicks Replace Clinton as New Rifle Range Target
The director of Landover Elementary School's Riflery Squad has announced that the giant Bill Clinton mural on the west end of the target practice field will be replaced next week with a blow-up of the Dixie Chicks. The eight-year-old Clinton target is so riddled with bullets, particularly below the belt line, that it is no longer possible to isolate hits and measure student performance. Six separate bull's eyes will appear on the foreheads and left chest cavities of the traitors.
We have a permanent injunction against all unsaved persons.
If you are unsaved, you are not allowed within a 10-mile radius of our church, nor are you allowed
on this website. Kindly leave, and be about the Devil's business, for you are not welcome here. Glory!
On January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush signed an executive order establishing the United States Department of Faith (DOF). Headed by
Mr. Bush's and God's favorite church
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