Children's Halloween Costumes or
Evolutionist Propaganda?
Freehold, Iowa - Christian experts find the following Halloween
costumes are an insult to Christ and represent how disrespectful
Evolutionists (Atheists) are toward Christians and our beliefs. These
costumes can be seen in the Halloween section of your local Target
store. If you plan on visiting Target or any secular store that is not
owned and operated by born again Christians, as always, we ask that you
be accompanied by your Pastor or a church Deacon or Elder.
 Demoncrat Flower Child Costume
Children who wear this costume can be desensitized as to how absurd
evolution is. Like our next president, Rick Perry, we can say outright
that this silly costume makes evolution look ridiculous! A child is not
born of flower or seed, nay not from pod, but of DUST! Formed
by the very hand of God! (Genesis 2:7) Liberals will stop at nothing to
push their anti-God, pro-science agenda, and now they are using
Halloween to try to convince toddlers they are related to plants!
 The Little Moo Moo Monster™
The lines between human and animal are intentionally blurred by this
ghastly costume! Atheist Evolutionists are pulling all the punches this
Halloween! The idea that human beings and cows are somehow related, is
absolutely outrageous! "I will smack my grandson over the head with a
10LB Giant Print Bible if I so much as hear a single pleading, Moo come
forth from his lips this Halloween season!" says Pastor Deacon Fred. "I
have a letter out to Fox Kids demanding them to stop playing the ad for
this thing!"
Turtle Dog
This is a new low for Evolutionist Halloween costume makers. They can't
offend Christians enough with their blasphemous children's costumes so now they are
targeting our family pets? We have some local controversy about the
Turtle Dog costume right here in Freehold, Iowa. Church member, Ms. Edna
Denkins says that she lives next to an unsaved person who is upset over
the giant stone cross and 10 Commandments display she has on her front
lawn. “My Atheist neighbor is persecuting me for my religious beliefs by
leaving her dog tied up in their back yard dressed up in this stupid Turtle
costume!” says Ms. Denkins. “I am forced to look at that
evilutionist bull craps abomination from the Devil's hiney every day out of my kitchen
window!” Mrs. Denkins has since filed charges against her neighbor and
Baptist Police officers have acted on behalf of Christ to remove the dog
until Ms Denkins decides on a court date that fits into her busy
 The Lewd Little Lady Bug
Like all evolution themed costumes, the Lewd Little Lady Bug costume is
created with the same intent. That intent is to undermine the truth of
God's Word by marketing blasphemy to a mainstream audience. The Lady Bug
costume anesthetizes children who will grow up and go to college where
they will have no problem believing liberal professors who teach them
that their great-great grand-momma was a lady bug and that they should
vote Democrat.

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