Obama's Death
Squads Target the Nightmares of America's Children!
Freehold, Iowa -
World renowned Pastor and child Counselor,
Deacon Fred received a troubling letter from a concerned
homeschooler that disturbed him so greatly, he ordered it to be posted
onto the World Wide Web so that every American can see it.
A Christian Child's Depiction of The Future!

Click Here to Enlarge Image
This innocent drawing
from a concerned Christian child, is a tell-tale sign that things are
NOT well in the Land of the Free! Politics are one thing! But when you
start putting strange ideas into the precious minds of American
children, well - that's a whole different kettle altogether, Mr.
- Pastor Deacon Fred
Conservative experts are
learning that innocent children across America are having trouble
sleeping at night. They live in constant fear. They can't
stop thinking about President Obama's diabolical plan to mandate Death
Squads to kill their grandparents, and take from them everything they
hold dear! Their screams can be heard across the nation and our
tears are falling into a puddle that cries out for restoration!
Respected Creation Scientist and Christian Child
Psychologist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards says, "There is not enough children's
sleep-aid medication on hand to deal with this epidemic! Kids are
worried about the future! They're worried that President Obama is going
to order residents of every nursing home in our Great Nation outside and
simply shoot them all! They are terrified that President
Obama is going to sneak up to their window at night and put a bullet
into the head of a retarded cousin sleeping in the corner!
The only way these nightmares can end is for Mr. Obama to stop talking
about health care, and to focus on more important issues, like mandating
morning prayers over loud speakers to the Lord Jesus Christ in public