The Satanic Origins of St.
Valentine's Day Where: Landover Baptist University ~ Department of Elementary Home School Education From: Advanced Home School Teaching 452 (Satanic Holidays and Secular Festivals) Who: Artist, Home School Enthusiast and Visiting University Professor, Rev. William (Billy) Stanley Use: This item is fully approved by the Christian Home Schooling Association of Iowa and should be provided as a mandatory educational tool for all Baptist Children, ages 6-11.
*All historical documentation and references (300 AD - Present) regarding the True History of Valentine's Day are available to Platinum Tithing Members of the Landover Baptist Church Community at no cost. If you are a Christian scholar and need references for a project, research paper or other, please send our Church Historian a 5-page synopsis (of which we will have the copyright to publish) along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and a check for $479.99. God Bless!
2009, LandoverBaptist.Org.
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