The Most Dangerous Christmas Toys!
As always, Satan's shopping list of Christmas gifts are
guaranteed to make any Christian parent call their state
Senator after slapping their rebellious child across the
face for ruining Christmas! We'd like to prevent that
from happening. At least the slapping part. The
following Christmas toys are banned from purchase. Be
warned: If one of these items is found in your home or
on your person, then you'll have to find yourself
another place to worship, for you are no longer welcome at
this Godly church.
Click on the images or name of any toy below to be taken to
the Liberal owned, Amazon.com where you can read their own
deceitful descriptions and purchase or burn any of these
sinful products!
Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters:
Recent Fox News stories inform us that the
noses of these demonic rodents are covered with chemicals
that will kill your child and send them straight to Hell.
Please make sure you child is saved and will go to Heaven
before they are killed by this dangerous Christmas toy. These soft wiggling, sniffing
creatures with moist, lubricated snouts (covered with
chemicals to kill children) appear innocent
enough, but their alluring squeaks are what REALLY have
informed Christian
parents worried. When our Deacons spent a leisurely
afternoon playing with them and watching them walk through
hoses, their muffled squeaks were heard squawking out lewd
remarks! "Come hither and sniff my nose, precious
child!" To think that little children across
America will be sitting in their bedrooms alone, playing and
listening to these hairy little rodents should make your
skin crawl! If you are thinking about purchasing one, there is a
way you can rip open a Zhu Zhu's neck through its lubricated chemical snout after
covering it in Crisco Oil™. This will remove the
hamster's obstructive vocal cord and make it pliable for
burning on an altar of the Lord. If
you are inviting a Zhu Zhu Pet into your home this Christmas, save
yourself some pain and
make sure it can't talk and it has a snipped snout!
Toy Story 3 Talking Buddies:
Our Christian mole in Hollywood informs us that
Buzz Lightyear and Woody will be planning a gay toy marriage in their
next film. As part of Hollywood's marketing
campaign, and in a liberal effort to desensitize children to the homosexual agenda, Disney is releasing the "Talking
Buddy" set this Christmas. "Let's take this friendship to another
level," says Woody (that name is already enough to make a Christian
parent flinch). Even more disturbing is that each character comes with a
removable shirt. Do you want to see your conservative child playing with
topless toys under the
Christmas Tree? Look to
landoverebaptist.org for
updates as we petition Congress to put an R rating on Toy Story 3 before
it is released next year.*
Scientific Explorer's Mind Blowing
Science Kit:
When will scientists learn that a Holy Bible and
a box of chicken bones provides children with more knowledge and fun
than any silly science kit they can ever come up with? This so-called,
"kit," will have your child performing dangerous experiments that will
make them question the existence of our omniscient God. The Mind Blowing
Science Kit, at least does what it says it does - it blows
a child's mind wide open! An open mind is the Devil's
Playground - susceptible to demonic spirits!
Atheist liberals sell these kits to promote "rational thought." Well, as
any True Christian™ will tell you, there is
NOTHING rational about
Evolution and
science. Children who are exposed to this kit will one day die and
go to Hell, where they will have all the time in the world to use
"rational thought" to figure out why they are being burned alive in a
lake of fire while being sodomized by demons for all eternity!
Radio Flyer Little Red Roadster:
The beloved, innocent toy of our Christian youth has been retrofitted
and redesigned by sodomites to resemble a drooping, semi-aroused red penis! Is
there no shame left in this world? How a Godly little red wagon turned
into a symbol for Gay rights, and passes unnoticed to even the most
conservative family is beyond the Christian imagination! Who wants to
see their
Baptist child giggling in glee as they ride a mockery of
Americana down a public sidewalk in open support of the Homosexual
Agenda? While conservatives sleep and do nothing, gays are actively
taking over everything we hold dear! And that includes the Radio Flyer
Association™! So, even if you want to purchase an old-fashioned flyer
that doesn't look like an engorged penis, your money will most certainly
go to helping place homosexual teachers in your local elementary school!
Barack Obama: Son of Promise,
Child of Hope Book:
We're all for Black people feeling better
about themselves, and what better way to raise a colored child to grow
up to be a waiter who doesn't spit in your food, or a sanitation worker
who doesn't spill your garbage on the curb. This book could have
accomplished that, but since it was written by an angry, liberal racist,
it is "Pro Obama." Which means that any child who reads it will grow up
to become a person who spits on American values and spills the hard
earned cash of decent, God-fearing Americans onto the gravel and dirt
driveways of the lazy and incompetent! It has NO place in a Christian
Little Dora
(All Dora Products Banned Until Further Notice!):
The Little Dora character was cooked up a few years ago by liberals as a
tool "to force conservative children into questioning their racial
identity and Christian heritage." This year,
Dora looks more "Oriental."
A modification obviously made so that children who play with her, will
be more accepting of President Obama's loose policies toward Japan and
China. Children who are exposed to Little Dora, will grow up to be the
next generation of liberal adults who embrace a world currency and help
destroy America by toppling the United States' status as the world's
most powerful nation. If you love your child, and you love America,
please keep them away from Little Dora and any of her related products,
including the Fisher Price Dora Kitchen set (an underhanded attempt to
target the conservative female child demographic).
Jump Start
the Gay Lifestyle Trampoline for Boys:
When homosexuals were asked to share their
earliest memory about choosing to be gay, 87% of them started their
story by saying, "Well, my earliest memory was playing on a trampoline
as a young boy." And as such, we acknowledge that the use of a
trampoline by a male child, is one of the leading causes of
homosexuality! And now gay toy designers openly attack conservative
Christians by not only creating a triangular trampoline (designed to
mock the Holy Trinity) but to add insult to injury, they paint it in the
colors of a rainbow! A sacred symbol the Homosexuals stole from God, who
gave it to Noah as a promise
He would forever stop killing people
(except for Asians) by drowning! This toy has NO place in a Christian
When you click on a the image
or text link to any of these toys, you will be taken directly to an
Amazon.com page that gives you "the liberal view" of each toy. If
you chose to purchase one of the toys to burn, or anything else on
Amazon.com, the Landover Baptist Church will receive partial proceeds
from your purchase and will place those funds into the Campaign to Place
an "R" Rating on Toy Story 3. Thank you for your service and
contribution to this amazing cause, in God's precious and Holy Name.
Concerned Christian Parents,
Please Visit the Links Below
To Learn More About Banned Toys:
Lucifer's Toy Chest 2008
Lucifer's Toy Chest 2004

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