Depiction of Henry Gates Wins National Award at "Current Events Coloring
Freehold, Iowa -
Christian children
across America were asked to depict the most important issue in America
today, as reported on television.
They were put in a room with several
TV sets, tuned to every major news network. Armed with a box of
crayons, a piece of paper, and their own Christian perspective, the kids
were given 2-hours to come up with a drawing to be entered into the
"Current Events Coloring Contest."
Contest Winner

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Grand Prize:
Landover Baptist congratulates William Evans
Crenshaw (Billy) from Freehold, Iowa as this year's winner, selected
from over 2,000 entries. His Godly portrayal of Liberal Harvard
Professor, Henry Gates standing on his porch, terrorizing local
Christian police officers is posted above.
Contest winner, Billy
Crenshaw receives the Grand Prize - a Mel Gibson signed copy of
“The Passion of the
Christ” on High Definition Blu-Ray.